Archive for June, 2012

The Preparation

Wednesday, June 27th, 2012

The work biggest is to obtain some signatures of support in the fairs and doors of facultieses, without commitment with ideology. Filiados it does not need. In this manner also if burla the proportional system, removing of the minorities the right to choose representatives, therefore these parties are created exactly to be rented and its votes to be joined against the account of coalition with great ‘ ‘ marcas’ ‘ partisans. The obligator vote also collaborates for this proliferation of parties ghosts. What it would have to be obligator was that the filiados party had to reach an expressive number of having the right to launch candidate. To be obliged to carry through previous with one qurum minimum of majority of its filiados.

In this manner we would be creating the culture of participation and the responsibility politics, without the necessity of a law as of ‘ ‘ fiche limpa’ ‘. Without the obligator vote the party would have that to not only conquer the confidence of the voter with serious work and with propaganda at time of election. Today what we have is the marketing work, not it work politician. The free citizen of the guardianship politics of the state, would have that to be convinced in first place if to register in cadastre voter. The party would have that to demonstrate to projects and ideas and to prove the preparation of its candidates.

The district vote, where the voter chooses as many candidates how many they will be the available vacant for its electoral district is optimum system. The most voted they would be with the vacant. For example, if a district has right the three vacant in parliament, each voter votes in three candidate, thus it will be choosing not a personal representative, and yes the representative of its district.

Max Weber Politician

Tuesday, June 26th, 2012

The state in its linked essence and has situations, relations, behaviors, justifications that understand legal aspect, assimilated with content politician, thus being impossible to have separation of the politician with legal. The Brazilian Jurist Miguel Reale demonstrates that the state presents three faces. Social face, that is the partner-economic factors (distribution of wealth, indices of education, health, poverty). Legal face, directed to the proper organization and characteristic of the judiciary power; face politics reaches the purpose of the government, through the ways and ends to reach itself of definitive objectives. This proves that in the State to orient itself dynamically necessary of the right and the politics, with beddings and purposes for the insertion in rules of law.

The relation Been and right backwards tona the problems of the sovereignty and the power, assuring the values of the person human being, having the State to look the extensive legality. It is important to argue that with this relation it cannot have the reduction of the State has a normative order, serving only for the right. Pointing out the State for ends politicians, it has the convivncia with the legal one, exerting a power politician, searching the basic values of the individual, the society and the State. It has a basic concern of the legitimacy and legality. For Max Weber; the State consists of a relation of domination of the man on the man established in the instrument of the violence legitimizes, that is, of the considered violence as it legitimizes (the State withholds the monopoly of the violence). In if treating to the power politician of the State, we can affirm that it is I join and indivisible, but exactly being only it has a functional division of the power politician of the State, that is, what it is divided are its functions, not been it in itself. It has attributions of each function destined to an independent agency and specialized.

Mountain See

Monday, June 25th, 2012

Concern Brazil, lives a choice moment, the doubt is to give continuity to the left government that nor is left more is or to come back to the neoliberalismo of the Toucans. It leaves what me more intrigued, is not which project will be winning, but when I go to open the periodical and not to see more news of corruption. The first election that I have souvenirs is of 1989, where we were still, engatinhando in what it refers to the democracy. Passed 21 years I see the same scandals to arise in the Brazilian scene, when we will be able being proud in to say them I I am Brazilian, I am not speaking of development of natural beauties or of the soccer, I am speaking of ethical principles that are very distant of our reality. I see the three main candidates to promise very, what he is normal, but the promise that I wanted to hear, unhappyly is utopia ' ' We go to value the education in all nveis' ' , as much the Dilma how much the Mountain range alone says of education technician and university.

E I ask there I eat to construct a house without constructing first the foundation, already I know, much go to say, but the constitution delegates to the cities this ability, but then the union fits to decentralize the view of resources, because the majority of the city halls does not have nor money for the leaf of payment of its servers. the reform tax I do not see no candidate to speak, clearly, this not of the vote. Now we live the most recent phase of scandals, and you would lower in the campaign politics, but this unhappyly is the routine of our country since the discovery. To invest in education is the prescription for terms children, who value the ethical principles, therefore thus only is that the scandals will leave to be part of our daily one. In the last election a candidate existed, in which its main goal was to value the education of the daily pay to the one after, but for not terms the education, still as a national priority, made stocking dozen of votes.

The Attainment

Wednesday, June 20th, 2012

By this he is still pushing the time that, despite advances in scientific and technological progress does not stop act on the person and remind him of his strength and power. Go to the attainment of faith while still pushing and power, which is ready to make any concessions only to life in power for its members became eternity. And this situation is absolutely not surprising, since the only power standing above the human capabilities and is able to solve the unsolvable problem for a person can convince of the need to perform righteous actions not yet mature forms of consciousness inherent in today's generation of people. Only time limit a person's life can make the most of government representatives on earth to believe in a higher power, which is sure many of the current powers that be, must be better for them and without fail should think and care about their problems, should be sooner rather than later, give the "chosen" people eternal power on Earth. And only in this If the present government is ready to approach the question of what power can be traditional, government was ready only under the influence of fear to acknowledge the validity of which has a higher power. It turns out to "Modern" representative of the authorities to respect the people's interests, you should have at a high level of conscience, and authority over his conscience, which will force people to move to ensure that it does not comply only its own interests and the interests of others.

Credit Card Debt

Monday, June 18th, 2012

Lawyers recognize that many enough to hear even a good word on the phone to start fighting for their rights. So get into the debt trap Antikollektory tell us how people get into debt. Often develops such a situation: when there is a delay repayment of the loan begins accruing interest. Increases the penalty portion of the loan, and any money that a bank customer makes a into your account to repay the loan in the first place, go to repayment of interest. Moreover, the sum of the loan itself may remain unchanged. And a vicious circle: a person pays a monthly basis, the loan amount is growing every day. In Finally, a person can pay for life. When the debtor understands that, he starts panicking.

Usually people think so: "Which to me makes sense to pay if I still owe?" Or "We will forget about the problem, and she will disappear." A bank in order time, the case to the collectors. History, when the credit card debtor "drips" a wild amount of interest for and for, behold, is quite common. As a rule, the terms of the credit card represents a hefty pile of securities in which an inexperienced person to understand, in principle, impossible. And read these conditions not everyone. Often, debtors simply do not know their rights, can not defend them and do not apply to lawyers. Blame – low legal literacy of people. Antikollektory Novosibirsk note that most complaints of debtors associated with credit cards, personal loans, loans for household appliances.

Security Council

Saturday, June 16th, 2012

The adoption of that text of commitment, endorsed by 193 countries except by Bolivia, took passage to a series of interventions between Soln, in some occasion booed by the rest of the room, and Espinosa, applauded by the other countries. Soln reiterated that its country ” it does not want I veto, I veto is not a democratic mechanism. I veto occurs in the Security Council where it is decided the future of the humanity with guerras”. ” Bolivia is a small country with principles, a country that does not sell its sovereignty and that speaks by the towns of mundo” , it indicated. The envoy of the White House for the Climatic Change, Todd Stern, said that the United States supported ” totally its decisions and all the work realizada” , while it proposed to the presidency of the summit ” to change the consensus by the general agreement since the rules of procedimiento” were never approved; of the meeting. Espinosa said that she gave ” for third time palabra” to the Bolivian delegation in this session, but he requested to him that ” he would not expand plus this reunin” , and the answer arrived from another Bolivian diplomat, instead of Soln, that insisted on ” abrir to a dialogue democrtico”. Of that way commitment texts were approved both presented/displayed by Espinosa, one based on the continuation of the Protocol of Kyoto (1997) and the other on long term cooperation (LCA, by its abbreviation in English), picking up the moment of the negotiation.

In spite of this disadvantage, it comments the mentioned source of intelligence The agreement obtained in Cancn abre to the route to the creation of a Climatic Green Bottom (GCF, by its abbreviation in English) within the Convention Frame of the UN on Climatic Change that will count on an advice with twenty-four Member States. Also it recognizes the necessity of ” to mobilize 100,000 million dollars per year as of 2020 to take care of the needs of the developing countries “. In relation to the transparency, a subject that interested particularly to the United States, the commitment text raises that the actions of mitigation with international support are put under measurement, reports and verification (MRV) in agreement with you rule established by the Convention. The approved document it allows to the beginning of a system of Consultations and Analysis the International (ICA, by its abbreviation in English) ” of way nonintrusive, nor punitive, and respectful of the sovereignty nacional” that they will realise experts. Also it is postponed to a little while future the decision on if there is or one second phase of the Protocol of Kioto and does not ask to the countries to raise his ” level of ambicin” in cuts As mentions: The Agreement of Cancn recognizes the importance of tying the labor subjects with the climatic change and its respective policies. The agreement indicates that to approach the climatic change it demands an important transformation in the way in that the world produces and consumes. This structural change will have considerable impacts on the companies and the workers, negative as as much positive. The challenge is to create and to take the opportunities new greener uses and to compensate the losses in other sectors that could put in danger the sustainable development.

European Council

Thursday, June 14th, 2012

In that Europe where the liberties citizens have been themselves unbalanced by war against the terrorism, also have backed down the social rights by the economic interests of a few. A neoliberalism of great purity. Now, a legion of experts cries out that ” the social model of Europe is not in peligro”. Although others, like Bjarte Vandvik, Secretary General of the European Council for the Refugees, consider that the vision that has Europe today (the one of the cut of some not recognized liberties and the social backward movement) is cruel and unwarranted. Some professional politician, presumed expert, has said that is not ended any social model, but competitive taboos are due to break if we want to be. We would finish! One is about money, benefits, and the famous myth of ” competitividad” it comes from Rep them. Years ago, from pro-European sectors critics alerted themselves not to construct one ” Europe of mercaderes”.

Perhaps that Europe would have been digerible than the one of the great banks, powerful financial groups and voracious companies transnational companies that send to garete the European dream by love to their accounts of results. Many analysts agree in which Europe has turned towards a forceful conservatism and generated social and political a backward movement. One scores at that the extension towards the east from 2004 has helped that drift to the right. Perhaps because the old block of the East embraced with fervor of I talk neoliberal Capitalism. Or perhaps no. The case is that, after beautiful words of self-satisfaction and ample smiles of professional europolticos, we walked towards which professor Juan Towers denominates jibarizacin of the democracy. From the European political power the democracy is reduced in fact, as the poor farmers reduced heads. How to understand, for example, that it has not at least been reflected on the French vote, Dutch and Irish that did not approve the Constitution nor the following Constitutional Treaty, and has been months acting as if that vote by ricochet to ” su” Europe would not have existed? This one is not Europe that we want, because that Europe is less and less Europe.

Municipal Organic Regulation

Tuesday, June 12th, 2012

The mayoress, CiU, assures that the norm already had been eliminated. The Court Superior of Justice of Catalunya (TSJC) has annulled one of articles of the municipal regulation of Sant Pol of Sea (Barcelona) in which was urged to write up all the documentation in Catalan. One is the final interjection of article 5,1 of the Municipal Organic Regulation, approved the 31 of 2008 July, and that was resorted by the legal cabinet of Catalan Civic Coexistence (CCC) at the request of a councilman of an independent party of Sant Pol, Enrique Abbot. In their car, the TSJC appeals to other sentences on the same subject and assures that the obligation use of one of the official languages, excluding the possible use from the other language also official, ” they do not respect the principle of cooficialidad” had in article 3 the Constitution. ” A thing is that the Catalan is the language of normal use of the public administrations, as far as own language of Catalonia, and another different one that ” totally excludes the use from the other coofficial language; , it says the sentence.

The sentence can be resorted before the Supreme Court within 10 days. The mayoress of Sant de Pol of Sea, Neat Montserrat (CiU), has explained that article 5,1 of the municipal regulation on the use prrente of the Catalan was suppressed by the plenary session the 29 of July. Neat it has explained that the plenary session of the past 29 of July, in the first plenary session of the new local government, remembered the suppression article 5,1 of the regulation, that had been approved by the town hall the 31 of July of the 2008, and according to which all the municipal documentation had to be written up only in Catalan. Source of the news: The TSJC prohibits to Sant Pol of Sea that the Catalan is unique language of their city council.

Milar Councilmen

Monday, June 11th, 2012

The ambient licensing is basic instrument in the search of the sustainable development and makes possible the ambient regularization of the country properties, regitering the legal reserve, evaluating the areas of permanent preservation, the remaining areas that still possess native vegetation and areas that had been converted for alternative use of the ground. Intention is to guarantee the preservation and conservation of the environment for the future generations. Its contribution is direct and aims at to find the conviviality balanced enters the economic action of the man and the environment where if it inserts. Thus, the licensing, facilitates the compatibilizao between the economic development and of the free initiative with the environment, inside of its capacity of regeneration and permanence, diminishing the ambient degradation. The objective of the present work is evaluation of the internal procedures of analysis of processes of licensing in the State of Mato Grosso. LITERATURE REVISION CONCEPTS OF AMBIENT LICENSING, LEGAL RESERVE AND AREA OF PERMANENT PRESERVATION Milar Councilmen (2004) appraises the ambient licensing as a typical and not transmissible action of the Executive, in the management of the environment, by means of which the Public Administration search to exert the due control on the activities human beings who can cause impacts to the environment. For Daniel Robert Fink (2002), the ambient licensing is the procedure by means of which the competent ambient agency verifies if the potential or significantly polluting activity that if intends to implement or that already is implemented is really in accord with the ambient legislation and the requirements necessary techniques. In accordance with Antonio Inag de Assis Oliveira (2005) the ambient licensing is the instrument through which the agency or competent ambient entity evaluates the submitted projects it, considering the positive and negative impacts, to decide if it authorizes or not it installation, the magnifying or the functioning of the same e, in authorizeing, if it makes or requirements not to minorar the negative ambient impacts and to maximize positive the ambient impacts.

Pastoral Council

Sunday, June 10th, 2012

Spent the days of my meeting with the coordinators, she crosses to me the lady in mention in the street near the parish, and she said to me, that what had done and said I in this meeting was bad and who already we would speak in advice. And thus she was indeed, with a very instructive tone and trying to indicate his capacity to confront these meetings with the other pastoral groups, she said to me in front of all the advice who my attitude left much to be desired, and that it lacked seriousness. I did not serve for this. Just I realized because some of the pastoral projects, that I presented/displayed in advice did not have importance and nobody said nothing on the matter to me. A detail that I want to stand out, and that it would not have suddenly to do it, because would be possible to be interpreted like own interest of my person, the following one: Every month in our parish one carried out in each zone a significant action, and some members of advice gave to char them in these encounter, and I offered myself for this. The first day at the end of my intervention, the people were contented, flattering the form to express to me, and that would inform it to the parish priest.

Never there was a commentary neither by policy, nor a mention to this event. As I repeat does not interest to me she makes, it to be able to state the indicated above thing. The communication and the mutual confidence with my wife, allowed to tell him everything me what happened in the Pastoral Council, and seems that somehow this was arrived that is to say in this advice. Certain time Mrs. Gabriela, made a commentary in meeting of advice, which nothing could leave these meetings; because if what treated in these meetings, it were state secret.