Archive for September, 2017


Sunday, September 17th, 2017

If it is true that now a "you pay less" than before but that does not mean that prices are lower, on the contrary, in many cases have increased eating in the way the expected effect of this reduction in tax rate. And that first lie noted earlier, the alleged decline of 3 points on inflation falls under the weight of inefficiency and waste. Inflationary pressure that we live in Venezuela has, in the uncontrolled and misguided expansion of public spending, one of the reasons being: On the one hand and as a result of excessive public spending that there is excess liquidity in the street, there are a lot of money circulating , (seriously, do not laugh, but we have not seen or we have benefited from it is out there somewhere). On the other hand the production of goods and services has shrunk dramatically as a result of poor economic and fiscal policies of this government that have meant the closure of many companies and the need to import a variety of raw materials and finished products, which inevitably , remain as scarce as resources to purchase and also be sold at international prices skipping, in many cases, ineffective price controls imposed for more than three years that the only thing that really has served to further strangle the productive and trade of the country. Hurt who would hurt the market is unforgiving, a contraction of this nature and of this magnitude in the offer means that consumers are less goods offered and the few who are at a higher price … .

The Thorn in the Mercury

Friday, September 15th, 2017

At the moment we are the thorn in the MERCURY, so hard in her womb will accept rejection, accepting all are clear that not only call into question the validity of the postulates constituting community but also hamper the negotiations is that, as blocks, are made with the United States and the European Community, of our rejection are clear that many are going to go work with the a pas of Factual will not wait and that (particularly in the case of Argentina), will mean a political and economic blow will have very serious repercussions to the internal of the countries a traitorous and lackeys of Imperious who oppose our inclusion (of course, outstanding the newly elected mayor of Buenos Aires, a serious political setback for President Kirchner).

Oyster that the scenario that envisions the efficient Brazilian Foreign Ministry?, Serape is the reason to start structuring the intelligence service announced in Sao Paulo Fool ?, meanwhile, face, figure and words of the President prevail at any stage of the Capo America for wonder and laughter of international attendees, and meanwhile, the bulk of the population is reflected in Venezuela’s streets demanding their civil rights, in the meantime, our President is absent and is meeting with Mr Putin and Russian government would rather keep his visit low profile in the Meanwhile we all boil slowly in the sauce of isolation, rejection and international suspicion garnished our President and his government with their blunders … Graphic Designer, Economist and Baker almost 41 years without depriving me of any experience and with much tell ….

The Next Year’s Challenge

Thursday, September 14th, 2017

“We have a big challenge in front of just a year and a half. And I think this is a unique opportunity to reach a global agreement on climate change. If we do not succeed, after all those multilateral channels to resolve the problem. ” He added that the industrialized economies are primarily responsible and have the economic capacity to act, so it should lead the process. On the other hand, argued that countries like Brazil, India, China, South Africa and Mexico should participate actively in the negotiations by its growing economic potential and levels of contamination. / wiki reports that the aim of the conference, organizers said is “the conclusion of a legally binding agreement on climate, valid worldwide, which applies from 2012.” At the top will meet the best environmental experts, ministers or heads of state and non-governmental organizations of the 192 member countries of the UNFCCC. This will be the last conference to prepare the post-Kyoto period. For the first time, the U.S.

will be present, President Obama announced. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Sen. Sherrod Brown. It should be noted that there has been criticism. This says that in October 2009 conservative commentators reacted critically to the draft treaty in Copenhagen. Lord Christopher Monckton, a British parliamentarian has said that the Copenhagen agreement seeks to create a world government under the auspices of the United Nations, which will have “the power of intervene directly in the financial, economic, fiscal and environmental issues of all nations that sign the treaty in Copenhagen. “warned that rich countries may be obliged by treaty to pay a” debt adjustment “to the nations developing and giving up their sovereignty. Known conservative journalists in Australia have accused the Australian government of intentionally hiding the details of the draft treaty in Copenhagen to the Australian public for its unpopularity among the electorate potential President of the United States Barak Obama attend the summit since China declared that the climate change summit in Copenhagen next should serve to establish an agreement with “immediate operational effect” regardless of whether the end it was agreed a binding legal agreement.

“Our goal (…) is not a partial agreement or a political statement but an agreement covering all issues in the negotiations and take effect immediately operational, “he said. Obama made the comments after meeting with his Chinese counterpart, Hu Jintao. The leaders of the two major countries in the level of emissions into the atmosphere have decided to take an action “significantly” to mitigate the effect of carbon dioxide in the air. Between both states for over 40 percent of these emissions. The Danish prime minister and host of the December summit, Lokke Lars Rasmussen held the position of Obama and expressed her hope that, although ultimately may not sign any treaty, the United States and all developed nations to commit to set limits on their emission rates and adequate funding to help poor countries cope with this problem. Andrew Light, an expert of the Center for American Progress, said U.S. authorities have recently increased their expectations of “targeted a number” on these restrictions in Copenhagen. United States could also be prepared to propose a plan of short-term financing for countries development can begin taking action now against climate change.

Peruvian Air Force Commander

Sunday, September 10th, 2017

These economic indicators confirm the trend, the more likely outcome, as has just been holding the German magazine Spiegel, and a large number of specialists the issue is that the U.S. economy is headed into a recession initially in the short term and then much worse. If any doubt, a few days ago, Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson said: "In light of events, the situation of financial markets, would worsen with the uncertainty in the market for Treasuries, so ask the Senate to approve the bill, considered by the Finance Committee to increase the debt limit as soon as possible.'' As we see the only strategy now is to continue to borrow. But this is not a solution, the next question is how do we could not, realize before? The answer is, if they did. For even more opinions, read materials from Sen. Sherrod Brown. Since the 80's, one after another, those responsible for public finances, are trying to reverse this problem without success, the government headed by Republicans George W. Bush and Dick Cheney wanted to implement a new strategy, we can summarize it as the combination of two operations, which rely each other and should be reissued and consolidated the power of the United States, an era of rapid expansion of consumer and financial bubble, to produce a strong economic boom, coupled with a military offensive against Eurasia, which would give the global energy hegemony, and from there financial supremacy, cornering the other powers such as China, European Union, Russia, India, however, this does not produce the desired results aggravating the situation.

The world thought that the fall of American Empire, would be the result of a third World War, or at least large-scale conflict, however, we must not forget that when the USSR fell, there was no conflict. This time, the economic factor will again be crucial, today's economic environment the United States is increasingly more complicated and nuanced as irreversible, the debt is so great that despite their great economic power, would not be ability to pay, without But there are people who believe otherwise, I think in the next 25 years, we have the answer, and we know who was right. Rep. Charles B. Rangel addresses the importance of the matter here. This article is based on current information, and was written by the Peruvian Air Force Commander Luis A. Buttgenbach Gonzalez email: