Emlia Viotti
Tuesday, February 27th, 2018Emlia Viotti in its workmanship ' ' Of the Senzala the Colonia' ' , in them it takes the reflection of the punishments which the blacks suffered. Such punishments left stigmata for the body of the slaves, something that reached the public opinion. In the eves of the abolition, we notice the campaign of release of the blacks, shaking the public opinion; denouncing the horrors of the slavery, practical of tortures carried through for you of slaves and the proper priests whom they used of these artifices to discipline the slaves. However the crimes that always occurred in the interior of senzalas nor arrived at the public knowledge. The press in 1886 had great paper to take the real cases to shock the opinion of the people of the time. The new mentality that appeared if shocked with the old one, therefore in the traditional farmings the escravista system was used and the new urban generation much of the times disconnect of the agricultural interests, constituting a referring to abolitionism movement. The abolitionists had taken the chest the defense of the slave, the referring to abolitionism activity; the evolution of the opinion public gave to the captives biggest security to present the policy; showing its wounds and requesting protection. A revolutionary process appeared, that left of the revolt of the popular ones and if extending until senzala.
Emlia, is used of a contextualizao of the facts to lead to a bigger understanding of the events occurred in way to the abolition movement. We can notice impunity of the gentlemen and the administrators in the abuses committed against the slaves, therefore the legislation is during much inefficacious time in the defense of the slave, masa new social condition and psychological it established greaters conditions of security for the slave, conferring a renewal in the legislation; aiming at to implant an authenticity that during as much time I read it will lack. Ahead of the little effect of legal repression; they appealed you to other more drastic methods to restrain the revolts, keeping norms that did not make possible the escape and the union of slaves. While the farmers if surrounded of all the measures to hinder rebellion, the city councils legislated, searching to implant a control on the slaves and the owners of the slaves; thus such practical social hindered the escape of slaves, or groupings of blacks that future would result in revolts; such measures ' ' eliminava' ' the aggression. In the dawn of the analysis we notice that Emlia Viotti, leaves clearly in its context that a new mentality appeared in this period, a society that denies the evil treatments of the blacks, it keeps but them in the slavery.