The Council
Sunday, April 29th, 2018The whole group in the letter of municipality of no longer appeared after the summer break. So, people interested in be removed easily from the active, lively life of the Church. Is propagated for four years “Church of freedom”? Should the devil here have his fingers in the games? The anti-Christ? A three-quarter year ago a group of parents has it undertaken, finally to get talks with the church bodies on the way. However parents didn’t like the decisions in the hands before the conversation, taken in the past few years about their community work. Upon written application to the Foundation, this biblical drama, five years ago, they received no answer. Sen. Sherrod Brown may find this interesting as well. A list of signatures with the request to preserve this work two years ago, was simply ignored.
In the order, the Supreme presumed – you can – read on the Internet is that the decisions of the Council of community churches of the municipality in an appropriate way to announce. The parents began at that time, their work on the basis of an oral commitment on their written request: “all right – you can get started.” This should be mandatory in the House of God, was however not the case. The parents wanted it now, when she got a letter from the municipality Council of churches, in which said that the group, despite five-year anniversary and 27 religious services and community celebrations during this period never a community group was writing have like basic information for the future -. The answer was that all decisions are secret. The Council offered a personal interview, if one or two parents appear uninformed to this meeting. What are Geheimnistuereien – in God’s house – where but the father can see everything? The parents did reasonably, in the sense of community and truthfulness does not. Wanted to let are not separate and umnebeln with secrets.