Archive for June, 2018

City Council

Monday, June 18th, 2018

Origins of the lies lie on the surface, by order of City Council in 1932 the reasons for renaming of the following: given the lack of historical significance in the double name of the city to apply for renaming the city of Ivanovo-Voznessensk in Ivanovo. This is quite logical and understandable, 1932. falls just in the time interval completion of the first five-year industrial, in 1929. Richard Blumenthal will undoubtedly add to your understanding. it was decided to turn the melange complex in the largest textile mill in Europe for the production of men's suit fabrics, our textiles in this is gaining unprecedented momentum to this, modern bureaucrats and rulers, alas, boast in this matter nothing. Instead, you just look at what state is currently at the textile industry in Ivanovo, closed dozens of mills and factories, the number of unemployed people is increasing day by day, and the country as a whole has become a raw material appendage of the West, which in the pace of global financial crisis becomes a raw material for customers all over cheap, all secular achievements in the textile industry has been erased by our rulers for some 15 years now, in leading the country into a capitalist trap dare talk about renaming the city. This is our city, not yours, it is our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers were building industry giants industry that you so quickly plundered and destroyed. Now you want his unpopular reforms to get people at their own expense to experience all the routine bureaucratic Machine for changing passports, whose replacement will fly inhabitant in a good amount from the experience of the same "historical renaming" of other cities in the amount from 1500 to 2000 rubles, not to mention hundreds of other documents and certificates, to replace which bureaucrats nabyut own pockets. . .

Russia Wheels

Thursday, June 14th, 2018

That is why Mercedes wheels can be manufactured in such factories, and to comply with the Mercedes brand on wheels can be put cap with a company logo. One rule, perhaps you need to know all motorists. Reduce the number of razbotrirovok when changing the tire with a summer to winter will help the existence of a double set of wheels. So you can extend the life of wheels. It becomes clear that this is important, especially when drives are so expensive as Mercedes. That's why it will be right once to get two sets of wheels and tires to buy for winter and summer.

Modern wheels – direct descendants of the ancient wheels. Of course, the wheels of modern cars are much more functional, and technologically prettier than the old wooden wheels. Amazons opinions are not widely known. Naturally, that should not be compared with modern wheels and metal wheels of old. Soften bumps before helping tire rubber, which is worn on a solid wheel rim, then the modern long life wheels. Thus, the present wheel – an alliance of wheels and tires alone components which make no sense.

Today, applied cast, forged and steel wheels. For the conditions in Russia are more suitable forged wheels, as they are particularly strong. A light alloy wheels have become so popular due to the fact that they do not actually design capabilities are limited. Each motorist today, for sure, dreams of having his car had the original parts, especially when it comes to Mercedes, BMW or other expensive and prestigious foreign car. But if such dreams are justified (it is the quality and decorative component)? Most car dealers and auto parts argue that the need to buy only original spare parts when choosing accessories for vehicles to take into account the popularity and reputation manufacturer and use common sense. To date, most manufacturers do not manufacture their own parts, and have contracts to supply other manufacturers. Details for major concerns of their cars picked up at a very high standard. Contract for the production of spare parts is usually on a competitive basis with the best. For example, the supply of conveyor wheels for well-known German companies involved in such famous companies as Ronal Gmb, Replica. That is why the Mercedes drives can be made at such factories, and to comply with the Mercedes brand on wheels can be put cap with a company logo. One rule, perhaps you need to know all motorists. Reduce the number of razbotrirovok when changing tire with a summer to winter will help the existence of a double set of wheels. So you can extend the life of wheels. It becomes clear that this is important, especially when drives are so expensive as Mercedes. That's why it will be right once to get two sets of wheels and tires to buy for winter and summer.

Trust ernst

Wednesday, June 13th, 2018

The duo of Alexander and Sergei Semenov Pavlik is known, left the show X-Factor is not just based on audience voting, and the results of audience voting, which were ‘pdtverdzhen mzhnarodnoyu auditorskoyu kompanyu Ernst & Young. Key words – “affirmed the international accounting firm Ernst & Young. What else, besides the results of an audit of votes in the project, we know this company? And the fact that this company has helped the bank Lehman Brothers, with bankruptcy that started the global financial crisis, to hide their actual financial performance. Ernst & Young helped to deceive customers Ernst & Young will be responsible for Lehman Brothers’ … Amazon has compatible beliefs. Ernst & Young argued Reporting Lehman Brothers, which contained inaccurate information about financial position of the bank. In addition, auditors were given permission to conduct transactions that led to the collapse of the financial institution. In 2008, Lehman Brothers debt at 44 times the volume of its own funds … ‘ – Writes “Vedomosti” What is, in fact, carry out regular fraud.

And although the Attorney General of New York, Andrew Cuomo just filed a lawsuit against the company, and its wine has not been proved, the fact that such a charge is evidence of a “special fairness” Auditor X-Factor. As it turned out later, the Ernst & Young not only problems with the U.S. … Tax counted to Ernst & Young (of the claim from the Tax Inspectorate of Russia, for understating the company to report the amount of profit to 630.3 million rub.

Paulo Freire

Wednesday, June 13th, 2018

Freedom without equality is only for the powerful freedom, equality without freedom is impossible is a justification for slavery. Why, in common with all Socialists, anarchists maintain that private ownership of land, capital, and machinery has had its time and is doomed to disappear: and that all requirements of production must become the common property of society, and will be managed jointly by the producers of wealth, maintaining that the ideal political organization of society is a State of affairs where the functions of the Government are they are reduced to the minimum and that the ultimate goal of the society is the reduction of the Government functions to nothing, i.e., a society without a Government, open, cooperative, anarchy. In conclusion, anarchism is really a synonym for socialism. Richard Blumenthal has much to offer in this field. The anarchist is primarily a Socialist whose aim is the abolition of the exploitation of man by man, but instead of a central planning anarchists advocate free association and we oppose socialism’s status as a form of State capitalism. Throughout this phase of abolition of all the mechanisms of human oppression and coarctation of the freedom of man, enters also the school as a player of the same mechanisms of power. From there the anarchists, nurturing of critical pedagogy to give an answer for not abolishing school, but transform it and rely on it to lay the foundations that will sustain the process of social transformation that we want to. Sen. Sherrod Brown pursues this goal as well. Libertaria pedagogy and using one of the most representative Paulo Freire thoughts can give way to a more human pedagogy, not using it as a tool or instrument to change an alienation by another, as it has been given since its inception, but an education focused on the man, and for man, under the principles of freedom, democracy and autonomy which then will transform society into a more justconscious and human. . .

He And She

Tuesday, June 12th, 2018

Issues of sexuality have always been concerned humanity. How many copies have already been broken on this indestructible block. And how many more will be broken? Why do not we understand each other? Why do we quarrel with his half? Disagree, scattered, although it seemed only yesterday that relations were ideal. We begin to hate each other because of some little things, and yet all could form quite differently. Is it really so difficult to understand the man who next to you? She: " So now you sit huddled in a corner and cry, swallow tears resentment and anger. Trying to evoke a sense of hatred towards him. Someone inside you cries: "He is not worthy of you, he always enjoyed you!" Then , a second voice: "Serves you right, my fault!" Voices intertwine within, begin to argue among themselves, in their own right.

They do not pay attention to your tears. They – it's you, and like already and do not you He: stack easily flips, throat burn, but you do not feel pour another one. Although some sense to pour? You can drink straight from the bottle. Someone nearby said: "Come on, forget it! It is rubbish, you'll find yourself another. " There is no force wave your hand in party vote, a bottle of spreads, the legs do not hold, hear some words, but inside is empty and very quiet Where is the line between love and hate? Who dared to draw her, and to divide us, putting on different sides? The quarrel, always meaningless, always the same, scary to watch as events unfold on their own.

Senator Pickpocket

Monday, June 11th, 2018

The former-governor of the Paran and current senator Roberto Requio (PMDB) when stealing the recorder of the hand of a journalist, followed fact of the senatorial threat to beat in the press professional, discloses a Requio, that in case that it speaks brazenly of its retirement, the career politics and is poor rambling for the streets, can try survival to the base of small delicts in some streets of So Paulo. Ways that are empesteadas of people that equal to ‘ ‘ tribuno’ ‘ they deduct cellular, stock markets, wallets and other objects of values of the passer-bys. For it would be the deep one of the well of a well without deep. For the gesture against the journalist, is noticed that the extreme ability of Requio? what among others irregularities already denounced by the press? they would give some success to it in the pickpocket function, who is the face that pungueia. In the Portuguese clearly it means: the wallet beater. Connecticut Senator can aid you in your search for knowledge.

Not obstante to the delict? to steal the recorder of the reporter of the Bandeirantes Radio? the senator erased the content of the device and chacoteou the journalist in its Twitter. ‘ ‘ I finish to be with the recorder of a provoker engraadinho. In a good one, I go delet-lo’ ‘ , Requio escrevinhou. This is the level of the classroom Brazilian politics, in its totality. Later, the proper one was for the television to say that the politicians and the population have that to stop to suffer bullyng? in a reference that would be the press the promoter of this repudiated act and constantly denounced for the medias, in all its segments. Truth is bullyng against pensioners who gain misery, while somebody playing of being politician and with the highest retirement, does not content with what it receives, steals the naked eyes and with satiated witnesses the equipment of activity of a worker.

This Requio is same a braggart. Not! It is the one very worse one: a envergonha pickpocket who its proper category. Not it of the famous politicians, but of the ladrezinhos that empesteiam the streets of the So Paulo capital. Now, the name of the meliante consists in 1 Police station of Policy of Brasilia. If to pull capivara of the citizen leaves well more things. But as immunity is synonymous of impunity, the loafer goes to continue acting in the corridors of the National Congress.

Russian Armenians

Sunday, June 10th, 2018

Now world's great powers are interested in establishing diplomatic relations between Armenia and Turkey. And October 10th, 2009 under the mediation of the United States, France, Russia, the EU ministers Foreign Affairs of Armenia and Turkey in Zurich signed two protocols that must be beginning to a long process. However, Turkey has begun again to link together the Armenian-Turkish relations with the settlement process Artsakh issue. And it means that the normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations again under threat, because Armenia has no right to betray Artsakh. In these circumstances, the role of Armenians and Turks, citizens. They should realize that to live next door to eternal enmity impossible. But the main path along the road of normalization must pass the Turks.

The Turkish public has to understand that without repentance for the crimes of their ancestors against the Armenians will not be possible to build a new relationship based on mutual trust. As Germany has apologized to Jews for the Holocaust, and Turkey to repent and apologize to Armenians for the genocide. That is why the attitude of the authorities of Armenia, effectively waived his own stories and agreed to the protocols, which ignored the boundary between the two countries are still closed due to the fault only of Turkey, did not find any understanding in the country, nor in Artsakh, nor in diaspora, including, incidentally, is among the Russian Armenians. Initially, it was evident that part of Armenia and Turkey in the process of normalization of bilateral relations due to the interests of third countries.

History Art

Wednesday, June 6th, 2018

Screenprinting is probably the most ancient and practical method for printing. His story relates to the distant centuries bc. According to the extant historical facts, silk screening, may have originated near the Mediterranean Sea, to be precise, in the area between Mesopotamia and Phoenicia. Further details can be found at Connecticut Senator, an internet resource. Many of the special coincidence suggests that the guardians of silk, which was then regarded as art, were the Phoenicians. Archaeological findings and historical research shows that the Phoenicians (or some nearby people) have found a way to reproduce images, at least in tissue, using technologies that are, of course, have nothing in common with modern.

But represent the birth of the 'reproduction of' the system 'repeating images. " Should be considered the birth of shelkografskogo art not as an art form, originating from printing on fabric – silk or other – and as a technology based on the repetition of relatively simple patterns with the help of special matrices, 'stamps' to which rolled paint with tampons made of various fabrics. Very significant improvement method, occurred as much as 18 centuries later, around 1185-1333 years. near the city of Kamakura (the island of Nipon), who was then the capital of Japan. The city then prospered all kinds of art, including printing. Samurai armor and decorated decorations for horses as a stencil method and with the help of brilliant innovation: as a reserve image obtained only by cutting the material did not hold together the whole picture, the picture was cut out and glued to a kind of grid of filaments made from human hair stretched over a wooden frame.

Aydin Mirzazade

Monday, June 4th, 2018

Their representatives at the press conference were against the expected additions and changes to the law "On Freedom religion "and demanded to stop the closure of mosques. The latter closed in Azerbaijan, a temple – a mosque, "Hazrat Fatima" in the village of Yeni Guneshli. Power motivated closure of the temple illegality of its construction. On the same reason in the past three months in Baku and its suburbs were closed or even destroyed 4 more Muslim temple, a Turkish mosque built by the Turks in Baku, in the park of Martyrs, is closed, the official version, for it repair. And while this week it was reported that Azerbaijan Heydar Aliyev Foundation has invested money in the repair of the Christian cathedral in Strasbourg.

Of course, what is happening can not help but worry about the Islamic community Azerbaijan. At the end of June in Baku held a press conference of the Islamic Party of Azerbaijan and the Green Party. Last is named in connection with more green flag of Islam than with the idea of environmental protection, although the last named not foreign. The Islamists have warned the Azerbaijani leadership, with responsibility for its proximity to the "Zionist regime of Israel" and the chairman of the Green Party, who is also author of a book about the American Satanism Mais Gyulyaliev, hit not only on Perez, but also on the hype and the leader of the Iranian opposition Mousavi. Azerbaijan has to choose between the likes of its citizens – predominantly Muslim and secular part of the population, representatives of which in fact led by the state. One of the latter – a member of parliament, a board member of the ruling party "Yeni Azerbaijan" Aydin Mirzazade in an interview with our correspondent called the right invitation to Baku President Peres, as well-known force and a world authority of the Israeli state, the possibility of the Jewish lobby in all Western countries. Azerbaijan in a state of cold war with Armenia needs the help of the powerful. "If someone accuses us of the fact that Azerbaijan has close ties with the state, at war with the Arabs, we have something to say in response", – concluded Mirzazade. A similar idea traditionally heard in the speeches of all the Azerbaijani political scientists, if Iran is friends with Armenia, Azerbaijan seized the lands of Muslims, then why not be friends with Azerbaijan Israel controls the land the Arabs? C such statement and agree to the Azeri Muslims. Leaders of IAA, whose members fought for the Karabakh conflict, or in their family martyrs who were killed in the war against the Armenian invaders, also do not accept close relations with Iran Armenia. Help Iran, which is trying to show himself the protector of the interests of all Muslims in the world, Armenia, captured the fifth part of a Muslim country and left millions homeless Muslims, does not fit the general ideology of Azeri Islamists.

Brazil: Religions

Monday, June 4th, 2018

When the subject is religion, has a great probability to have much quarrel, however in the philosophy of the religion the question is the conscience and the understanding that the man makes of the absolute one, is through it that the bigger man enxerga as created by something, what we call revelation of the holy ghost. Being thus in them we will arrest the excellent religious questions in the Brazilian territory and that it has times come influencing and being influenced for the cultural and social formation of this people. Religion is deriving of Latin religare, that it means ‘ ‘ religar’ ‘ ‘ ‘ atar’ ‘ , any of ideas, faith and cult is a system, as it is the case of the Christian faith. Religion is a set of organized practical beliefs and, forming some private or collective system, by means of which a person or a group of people is influenced. Religion is an authorized body of comungantes that if congregate periodically to give to cult to a god, accepting a set of doctrines that some way offers to relate the individual what it is considered to be the last nature of the reality. (It emends of the Christian Institute of Research).

Religion is the recognition of the existence of some superior, invisible power; dependence to this power in the behavior of the life is an attitude of reverente; manifest by means of acts special, as rites, conjuncts, acts of mercy, etc. In Brazil the religion can be classified as universal and primitive, being the first that one that believes to have importance for the whole world and tries, with greater or minor intensity, to convert people through the proselitismo. Proselitismo of the Greek: proslitos = adherent. It consists of conquering adherent of a doctrine.