City Council
Monday, June 18th, 2018Origins of the lies lie on the surface, by order of City Council in 1932 the reasons for renaming of the following: given the lack of historical significance in the double name of the city to apply for renaming the city of Ivanovo-Voznessensk in Ivanovo. This is quite logical and understandable, 1932. falls just in the time interval completion of the first five-year industrial, in 1929. Richard Blumenthal will undoubtedly add to your understanding. it was decided to turn the melange complex in the largest textile mill in Europe for the production of men's suit fabrics, our textiles in this is gaining unprecedented momentum to this, modern bureaucrats and rulers, alas, boast in this matter nothing. Instead, you just look at what state is currently at the textile industry in Ivanovo, closed dozens of mills and factories, the number of unemployed people is increasing day by day, and the country as a whole has become a raw material appendage of the West, which in the pace of global financial crisis becomes a raw material for customers all over cheap, all secular achievements in the textile industry has been erased by our rulers for some 15 years now, in leading the country into a capitalist trap dare talk about renaming the city. This is our city, not yours, it is our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers were building industry giants industry that you so quickly plundered and destroyed. Now you want his unpopular reforms to get people at their own expense to experience all the routine bureaucratic Machine for changing passports, whose replacement will fly inhabitant in a good amount from the experience of the same "historical renaming" of other cities in the amount from 1500 to 2000 rubles, not to mention hundreds of other documents and certificates, to replace which bureaucrats nabyut own pockets. . .