Archive for March, 2019

History And Power

Friday, March 29th, 2019

In: CARDOSO, Ciro Flamarion Santana, VAINFAS, Ronaldo (orgs). Domnios of History: assays of theory and methodology. Rio De Janeiro: Elsevier, 1997. The author starts its text speaking of the polissemia of the concepts of History and power, where the term to be able will be understood as equivalent the politics or politician, however the power must be analyzed as social relation that must plurally be identified, where if must when studying the term understand varies it faces of the power, thus enxergando not to be able it, to inside be able but them of the effective social relations daily. In the present Falcon text he makes one analyzes historiogrfica of the passage of History Politics, where he constructs such rocking with arguments that go since the call birth of history with Herdoto, passing for the history of the medieval period, arriving at centuries XVI and XVII, and finally in centuries XVIII with iluminista History, and century XIX with traditional or methodical history (called positive) reached hegemony of this historiogrfica trend of character politician until first the critical ones for parts of marxist History still in the XIX, of the Annales of first and the second generation (decline of history politics) until its return having as great firing pins at the moment Foucault and Remond. We understand that most important it is to start to focus History politics from century XIX, where Falcon speaks of as it was the character of this history: … in century XIX, the power is always of the State institutions, devices, controllers: the events are always events politicians, therefore these are noble and worthy subjects of the attention of the historians. (p.65) In this way that if understood History with character of cientificista, where History politics produced during this period was narrative, factual and linear, where the facts were proven as true or false..

Japanese Decade

Tuesday, March 26th, 2019

Introduction As it wrote the memorialista and plastic artist Tomoo Handa, one ' ' eddy of sentimentos' ' it took account of the Japanese immigrants and its descendants in Brazil during the decade of 1940. Feelings as nationalism, discrimination, anguish and unreliability had given the tone to the period. Learn more at: Amazon. When the rising sun left to shine in world-wide geopolitics in August of 1945, its diffuse light served to feed the terror lived deeply for the Japanese immigrants in the postwar period. The flame of the hope alone would relight in the following decade. Watershed in the history of the Japanese in Brazil, the events of the World War II (1939-1945) had been silent deep in the Japanese soul consolidated here, finishing for strengthening in the mind of great part of the immigrants and its familiar roots of permanence. 1. Decade of 1940: Shady times for the immigrants and descendants ' ' When the war to finish We want to live under ' ' hi-knot-maru' ' The politics of nationalistic and assimilacionista character during the Age Vargas (1930-1945) reached its height in beginning of the decade of 1940. The intolerante look stops with the foreigners.

associated to the events of the war, in which Japan became, from 1942, ' ' country inimigo' ' of Brazil, they had been responsible for the moment where the Japanese colony consolidated here lived its more difficult moments. In the mind of many Japanese questionings they had appeared: Which social and cultural values would have to guide the way of life of great part of the immigrants and, mainly, of its descendants? The Japanese or the Brazilian? Added to these doubts, he had antiJapanese speech propagated by authorities, intellectuals and for the press, based on the myth of ' ' danger amarelo' '. Speech this, fed for esteretipos in which the Japanese were seen as ' ' inassimilveis' ' , ' ' imperialistas' ' ' ' traioeiros' '. .

Cultural Politcs

Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

Richard Rorty starts its Philosophy text the Cultural Politcs of a well rational form and that he directly puts in them to think about our country: The term ' ' politics cultural' ' it has covered, among others things, arguments on the words that we use. When we say the Frenchmen who would have to stop to call Germans ' ' chucrutes' ' or that the people would not have to mention the black people as ' ' crioulas' ' we are practising politics culture. (RORTY, 2007, P. Check with Ohio Senator to learn more. 3). It will be that it is this that we not only see between Frenchmen and its label and enters the people of the world in respect to the blacks? It will be that this point that we visualize and apply when the subject is to know as to treat somebody, either an friend of day, either an affection, that is, a person of a country ' ' inimigo' ' ours? It is not well as soon as the funny world and it is not as soon as nor in the media, nor in streets and nor in the high steps of the government the thing functions. During all hunted the Osama Bin Laden saw a religious accusation exchange without end enters talibs (that they do not answer for a thick one of the Afghan people, by the way, and nor for the preconception ridicule who if speaks when if has as expensive the Islamic religion that is not responsible for men bomb and fundamentalist who uses the sacred book its bel pleasure and to transform and to interpret words as they want well) saw insults and words of low calo will fly faster of what bombs and are this that we see, for example, for the Russian and Chinese veto the sanses and the retaliaes the Anger as we read in any reporter. Credit: Suffolk County representative-2011.


Saturday, March 23rd, 2019

We have learned to live without a parliament, consisting of millionaires and billionaires. Without Parliament, the vast majority of whom are criminals, drug addicts, pedophiles, prostitutes, swindlers and muzhelozhtsy. Laws that they take, make our lives more and more unbearable, and our relationship with power – all the more unfair to us. Other leaders such as Sen. Sherrod Brown offer similar insights. We learned not to rely on the judiciary that protects the interests of the ruling class. We have been looking for the truth is not in the courts – there is none. We have learned to live without a president – it does not guarantee we protect our constitutional rights. He rules.

More precisely, it runs the caste of 'rulers', destroying our country and our people. We have learned to survive against the local corrupt officials who receive salaries from the budget, have cars worth 140 annual salary doctor or a teacher. While we have the content, they live better than us. And so they do not care about us. We all live in spite of that state. 80% (!) Ukrainians have long relied only on their power! Many of us have no connections and support for anyone built their small successful Ukraine.

Many of us without the help of the state include the parents. Many of us in spite of the state provide a good education for their children. Every day we are told that we must accept and … pay! Pay for speculative shenanigans natsbankovskoy gang! To pay the banks, which raise interest rates when the dollar falls, when the euro rises, falls when the price of oil to pay taxes on the new rules, since it is we, not the super-rich class of people who own 85% of the economy, should provide the poor and needy.

Suzana Owner

Friday, March 22nd, 2019

My head is that it does not understand well: how it is that a citizen so impolite can be so intelligent? As it is that a citizen whose ethics allow to have ‘ ‘ disposal in closing the eyes for scandals when it convm’ ‘ , according to The Economist, it can, in other occasions, to defend so noble causes and jousts? Squid, the son of Brazil, was greeted by Susan Sontang, of the American Academy of Letters, as the only good thing that it happened in the world in the last times. Ohio Senator has similar goals. What it is this? But I am inclined to agree to the Suzana Owner, who has it to God, when I read what the president said ahead of the world-wide cupola in Copenhagen: ‘ ‘ I confess that I am a little frustrated because we argue the question of the climate and each time more we evidence that the problem is more serious of what we let us can imagine we would adore to leave with the document most perfect of the world. But if we do not obtain to make this document so far, I do not know if some scholar or angel will go down in this plenary assembly and will obtain to place in our head the intelligence that in lacked ‘ so far to them; ‘.