More Stability
Usability for ERP users in new Deleco version of Delta Barth which promises the current version 6.14 of the ERP-software DELECO. High reliability and great ease of use thanks to an improved run-time behavior as well as the reduction of loading times allow the users a stable system. More news about user can look forward also. Reduce delays and idle time with the DELECO version 6.14 of the process for the settlement of customer supplies can be mapped consistently and efficiently. The provision of the customer where the customer provides a BOM component itself, is treated in the business process such as an order.
With the supplied material directly to the sales order is entered and accordingly when the order cost estimate takes into account. Even if the generation of order proposals and subcontracting, as well as in the manufacturing and delivery the supplied material is observed from the outset with. Should the customer not to deliver the material, it is possible via the module Delivery reminder”to send a reminder. Thus avoiding delays in the manufacturing process and machine downtime. The entire procurement process can be tracked via the purchasing module. Easier handling with returns even in the purchasing module, there are many useful innovations. Headers and footers provide the user with additional information, as well more informal texts that can be entered to the SKUs. When printing invoices or documents, you can disable the display of individual items.
So, for example, additional information about documents are included, but not mentioned on the invoice. Also, small note text when loading tasks, companies, and articles in the shopping modules can be displayed. The user is, once he has selected an article or a company, for example, informed of the specifics to the article or the reliability of the supplier. Customer complaints simply and efficiently be even customer complaints with the new DELECO version 6.14 easily represent. Created a new complaint is by assigning the goods receipt of a complaint, the manual assignment of a delivery note item or by manually assigning of a customer and Artikels.Egal on which way a complaint is recorded (dismissal, value-based credit, return, rework repair or replacement), cost must be always taken into account. A separate type of goods receipt with booking in a complaint bearing is first with the receipt of the complaint. A document of confirmation for the receipt of the complaint or to be repaired article can be printed and sent to the customer. The incoming customer complaint is provided with an error image or description of the fault. Then several different sequences are possible depending on the product range, organisational processes and the nature of the claimed article: views and mapping as well as evaluate and classify. A complaint concerns exactly an article or a larger quantity of an item with the same Reason (error image). Company contact: DELTA BARTH Systemhaus GmbH Ludwig-Richter-Strasse 3 09212 Limbach-Oberfrohna contact for the press: Anke Duderstadt phone 03722 71700 fax 03722 717011
Tags: hardware & software, it