Social Service
Ahead of this capital relation and work the social matter appears also of which if express of the most different forms, either in relation with the work, with the child, adolescence, woman and among others. As form to intervine and to face the social matter the Social Service has the social matter as substance cousin of its professional work being able to understand the practical one as a work process. As Iamamoto (2008: 209) affirm: The Social Assistant, at the same time where she will have to act in the direction to guarantee to the worker and its family a level of the working laws, will have to fight the absentismo, the relaxation in the work, to guard for the morality, to promote the conciliation in the working agreements and to adapt the worker its function in the company. He will be ' ' the agent of linking between master and operrio' '. Taking care of to one and another one? acting of independent and independent form? it is the authentic agent of social justice, the agent of coordination of the human elements of the production and the approach of the classrooms. As form of mediator between master and worker, the Social Assistant will take care of to the interests of both the parts searching to keep the legal relationship and duties between the two, therefore the profession is understood as form of practical of the social classrooms to produce its ways of life and work. It is at this moment that appears the necessity of the creation of a project ethical-politician capable to offer a critical and significant orientation to the professionals of Social Service, making with that the same ones are experts of its abilities, aiming at always the defense of the social and human rights, disentailing itself of any similarity with the professional conservadorismo. With the creation of the professional project it was not only a necessity of the Social Service, but of the society that always better waited of the composed profession for agents whom it searched to produce resulted on the performance of some professionals, becoming apt to develop its work of ethical form and criticizes.
Tags: society and culture