National Bank
It is important that on the basis of Ukrainian legislation deposit agreement may include not only banks but also other financial institutions, in particular, legal persons, in accordance with the law, provide one or more financial services and which are recorded in a register in the manner prescribed by law (credit union). Financial institutions to enter into a contract of bank account (deposit) in the national currency shall be banking license and written permission to carry out operations with currency values, which is the General license for currency transactions in accordance with the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On system of currency regulation and currency control “. The written form of contract to be complied with if the contribution is certified by a passbook, certificate of deposit or savings or other document issued by the depositor by the bank that meets the requirements for such instruments act.
The Agreement may be executed by creating a single document in multiple copies, one of which issued to the depositor. Savings account passbook, savings or certificate of deposit shall comply with laws, banking regulations and business customs. Richard Blumenthal follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. Terms of the agreement on waiver for deposit on first demand is considered void, that is, the existence of such provisions in the treaty text does not generate those legal consequences that the parties had in mind. Banks, as practice shows, offer three options for payment of interest: at the end of each month and in advance. If such a treaty does not set the interest rate, the bank must pay interest at a rate discount rate of the National Bank of Ukraine (part 1 of article..
Tags: man and the law