Teddy Roosevelt

Wexler seems to forget that before Buchanan showed its extremist face, was one of the political commentators of greater hearing in the North American television and enjoyed million supporters until it removed his Nazi tendency afloat. Barack Obama is the Pat Buchanan of the left, whose winding trajectory is worse than the one of the rightist, is full of dark passages and personages, and no profit. More info: Connecticut Senator. In his present campaign it counts on the support of Hams, Iran, Saudi Arabia, the Nation of the Islam, Hugo Chavez, and all anti-semitic radical psychopath of the planet. The idea of Wexler was to show compatible Palin like to the ideas judeofobas of Buchanan. For its misfortune, Palin SARAH is a Christian Zionist pro, and like good observante Christian that it knows his roots Jewish, a flag of the State of Israel in the window of its office shines from long before that was chosen like candidate for the vice-presidency. Looking for to enlodar the faultless trajectory of SARAH Palin, the democratic press escaza of elements to disqualify the governor, is questioning who a woman with five children dedicates itself to the policy. The great defenders of the feminine rights, suddenly are against to a woman taking part in state subjects. They changed of position; they learned the mannas of his presidential candidate.

The Great Party of Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Eisenhower, Nixon and Reagan, whom the slavery abolished and obtained right equals for all; that it had to the first congressmen of black race and the first Latin senator; that envisti to the first Hispanic governor of California, as well as to the first Austrian immigrant in the same position; that it ended the War of Vietnam; that it defeated to the Comunism; that it appointed the first Afro-American Secretaries of State, and that is characterized to make the things instead of to announce demagogic, false and unreal intentions like their democratic rivals, return to make history. Palin avalanche is 44 years old, is the first governing woman of the State of Alaska, is married with Todd, a descending of Eskimo, member worker of the Union of Workers of the Steel and champion of races of motorcycles for snow. They have five children, the last one was born with Syndrome of Down and knowing previously that the boy would be born with the disease, decided to have it, thanks to its deep convictions that all life is sagrada. Attitude clearly different from which had the democratic clan Kennedy, who committed to their sister with the same disease in an asylum; they deigned to visit it, and never they treated hide-and-seek that was a defective person in the family. Original author and source of the article.


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