Social Service

It estimates that the acquired academic formation in the course of Social Service is a basic knowledge that of the emphasis the science of the man and the society and also a Professional knowledge of the theoretical beddings of the Social Service and its relations with these systems. The Social Assistance is a profession of interventivo character, that if it uses of the scientific instrument to multidiscipline of Sciences Social Human beings and for analysis and interventions in situations of the social reality where the consequences of the social matters are gifts. One as well as observes that when taking knowledge of the data on the origin of the social service transfers to better know it the historical and metodolgico process in Brazil, the data of the institutionalization of the social profession and the diverse demands, as well as of the answers given by the profession in its metodolgicas characteristics theoretical and Conclusion This movement was developed by the reason of many professionals in the social area of the service for formularization of new knowledge as in the theories as in you practise, searching in all the context inside of the society, rights of the citizenship, for improvement of the attendance of the users the Social Service to each decade that passes goes conquering the right in the markets of works having new vision in the proposals that appear inside of ours society, an expectation of value conquered of the professionals, searching social politics more dynamics with qualities in the nets of atendimentos, for the users. With this new methodology in the Social Service Comes being employed attendance the families, acting of the society inside, in the social context in well excellent way to the users the citizen right..


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