Unions Wanted

The President of the employer, Juan Rosell, ensures that this was the reason for the breakdown of negotiations. Unions deny it, and point to the CEOE proposed measures which accounted for a decline in decades. Discussions on the reform of collective bargaining broke down last Thursday. The CEOE ensures that the request of unions wishing to enter into small and medium-sized enterprises was one of the causes of the breakdown of collective bargaining and that the employer could not allow it. Official site: Ohio Senator. In an interview in EL PAIS, the President of the CEOE, Juan Rosell, affirms that the social partners were very close to an agreement the week after the elections, but that unions subsequently said they wanted to intervene in enterprises, including SMEs. We told them that under no circumstances, says Rosell, after adding that employers could not allow to unionize SMEs when in Spain isn’t compulsory to have Union representation in companies of less than 50 workers. Rosell adds that the trade unions could have been more ambitious in the negotiation and believes they were afraid that their bases not understood it.

However, the Secretaries General of UGT, Candido Mendez, and CCOO, Ignacio Fernandez Toxo, claim that blame for the rupture was employer by proposing measures that accounted for a decline in decades. (Similarly see: Amazon). Union leaders say that when the employer had committed itself to the validity of agreements do not exclude js of equipment and workers in enterprises of fewer than six employees, they presented another separate document. Toxo explains that the new text they insisted that agreements which expire were not renewed automatically and decayeran, and was a return to the more unbearable past. Mendez also criticized the document of the patronal CEIM Madrilena that demanded the creation of a single contract with indemnity of 20 days per year worked, although Rosell denies that these requests be made in collective bargaining and says that He spoke only of 43 types of different contracts that cannot be maintained. The President of the employer, recognizes that the dissemination of the document of CEIM had probably distorted many things and refuses to change the arguments to dndia the CEOE since the beginning. On the other hand, Toxo y Mendez considered that you reform that make the Government now does not imply the unions, while the leader of UGT requests not demagogy to say that it will lower unemployment, CCOO leader asserts that the reforms without agreement are not effective.

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