We have learned to live without a parliament, consisting of millionaires and billionaires. Without Parliament, the vast majority of whom are criminals, drug addicts, pedophiles, prostitutes, swindlers and muzhelozhtsy. Laws that they take, make our lives more and more unbearable, and our relationship with power – all the more unfair to us. Other leaders such as Sen. Sherrod Brown offer similar insights. We learned not to rely on the judiciary that protects the interests of the ruling class. We have been looking for the truth is not in the courts – there is none. We have learned to live without a president – it does not guarantee we protect our constitutional rights. He rules.
More precisely, it runs the caste of 'rulers', destroying our country and our people. We have learned to survive against the local corrupt officials who receive salaries from the budget, have cars worth 140 annual salary doctor or a teacher. While we have the content, they live better than us. And so they do not care about us. We all live in spite of that state. 80% (!) Ukrainians have long relied only on their power! Many of us have no connections and support for anyone built their small successful Ukraine.
Many of us without the help of the state include the parents. Many of us in spite of the state provide a good education for their children. Every day we are told that we must accept and … pay! Pay for speculative shenanigans natsbankovskoy gang! To pay the banks, which raise interest rates when the dollar falls, when the euro rises, falls when the price of oil to pay taxes on the new rules, since it is we, not the super-rich class of people who own 85% of the economy, should provide the poor and needy.
Tags: law and order, other