The Preparation
The work biggest is to obtain some signatures of support in the fairs and doors of facultieses, without commitment with ideology. Filiados it does not need. In this manner also if burla the proportional system, removing of the minorities the right to choose representatives, therefore these parties are created exactly to be rented and its votes to be joined against the account of coalition with great ‘ ‘ marcas’ ‘ partisans. The obligator vote also collaborates for this proliferation of parties ghosts. What it would have to be obligator was that the filiados party had to reach an expressive number of having the right to launch candidate. To be obliged to carry through previous with one qurum minimum of majority of its filiados.
In this manner we would be creating the culture of participation and the responsibility politics, without the necessity of a law as of ‘ ‘ fiche limpa’ ‘. Without the obligator vote the party would have that to not only conquer the confidence of the voter with serious work and with propaganda at time of election. Today what we have is the marketing work, not it work politician. The free citizen of the guardianship politics of the state, would have that to be convinced in first place if to register in cadastre voter. The party would have that to demonstrate to projects and ideas and to prove the preparation of its candidates.
The district vote, where the voter chooses as many candidates how many they will be the available vacant for its electoral district is optimum system. The most voted they would be with the vacant. For example, if a district has right the three vacant in parliament, each voter votes in three candidate, thus it will be choosing not a personal representative, and yes the representative of its district.
Tags: government and politics