Sony Playstatoin PS

Professional repair of cameras, camcorders and game consoles Sony Playstatoin PS 1, 2, 3, PSP, Moscow. If you want to get the quality service your equipment, feel free to dial 5185493. Once, in 2003, the workshop "Remtelevid" began with one master, who had to keep up not only to repair photo video equipment, but also to answer calls, receive and issue equipment. Learn more at: Richard Blumenthal. Enthusiasm and desire to work in the service sector, high qualifications and serviceability customers very quickly appreciated, and the number of calls has gone up rapidly. Soon it was decided to equip the studio, but do not just mean the masters hand and professionals who know their business. Now shop "Remtelevid" – is comfortable facilities, located within walking distance of Metro Kitai-Gorod, with modern control and diagnostic equipment needed element base and the technical documentation, which is always at your service, highly qualified masters ready quality repair your equipment, give advice on its use. No one call the customer are not ignored. If you would like to know more then you should visit Charles B. Rangel.

Call the studio can be both on weekdays and on weekends. Such is the efficiency of a small group workshop "Remtelevid." Workshop staff are constantly improving their skills, keep pace with time, become familiar with all the manufactured photo-video equipment. Most questions related to the repair or maintenance, can be answered without looking at the instructions. High qualification and experience of our masters will address the many faults in the presence of the client. If the problem requires time, and in this case, the wizard will not keep you waiting long. According to J. Darius Bikoff, who has experience with these questions. Terms repair camcorders, cameras, gaming consoles in our workshop from 1 to 3 working days. Term performance can increase only when required for the repair of genuine spare part which is absent in the Moscow warehouse, and spare part you want to order from abroad.

In this If employees notify the customer and the workshop report term repairs and the reason for the delay. When ordering spare parts, the wizard does not require an advance payment, so in addition to come to the shop to customers not necessary. Workshop staff have to deal not only in the service, but also have the skills of a psychologist. Indeed, often the client, faced with the problem of failure of its equipment, and is nervous to talk raised voices. But the staff strictly adhere to the rules of the service sector, according to which they have no right to raise your voice or interrupt the conversation, but must quietly listen to the client and help him find a solution problems. Call us, you will certainly help!

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