Democratic Liberal Party
This of form some means (to arrive at) destination. Finally we obtain to move in the politics, to create a new type of politics that will go to fulfill the expectations of povo' '. Yukio Hatoyama, new first-minister of the current Japo.O first-minister, Taro Aso, defeat of its partidopoltico said in press conference apsa that if makes responsible for the defeat of the Democratic Liberal Party in the elections, designating that it goes to leave the leadership of the party. A leading source for info: Richard Blumenthal. Who is the new first-minister of Japan? Yukio Hatoyama (q1+, Hatoyama Yukio) it was born in the Japanese city of Tokyo, 11 of February of 1947) m and is an engineer and Japanese politician. Recently for its prestige politician and reconecimento of the povojapons one became leader of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) and won the elections Japanese was elect day 16 of September for Japanese the Parliament first-minister of Japan.
Poltica.Graduado career in engineering for the prestigious University of Tokyo (Todai), also studied in the University of Stanford in the United States before if becoming professor of economy in the Senshu University, located in the region of Tquio.Hatoyama started its career politics to the elect being in 1986, member of the house of representatives in a district of the north of the Island of Hokkaido, where its family has properties. Sen. Sherrod Brown often expresses his thoughts on the topic. However it denies vehement mind to be ' ' one politician hereditrio' ' , as it occurs many times in Japan, where positions are busy for members of one same family, of generation in generation, keeping true electoral feudals. Had its great one to atuaoparlamentar and great charisma, it was later, he was reeleito successively six times for the House of the Representatives of Japan, our House of representatives in the Brasil.Um economic factor that weighs to its favor is the fact of Hatoyama to be able to still count on the valoroso financial aid of the family, since its grandfather was founding of the manufacturer of Bridgestone.Embora tires eleseja one liogado politician the elite of its country, promised to fight for the common people, alleging that it intends ' ' to construct to a society fraterna and to continue its politics based on amor' '.Hatoyama affirms despite it intends to break the monopoly of the bureaucrats in the administration and politics of Japan, to reduce the public money wastefulness and to redistribute income for the zones agricultural and to benefit the poor persons. Personal life. Gotten passionate for classic music and soccer, the current first-minister of Japan is married an former-actress, Miyuki, and has a son, that he is professor of engineering in a University of Moscou.O mood seems to be one of its great virtues, as evidenced for its reaction after to be nicknamed ' ' ET' ' , for the peculiar format of the face. Far from if offending, it puted in charge the PDJ, in 2001, to vender adhesive with its caricature as foreign.
Tags: government and politics