Empathy Synergy
These changes they occur in a Venezuela that presents/displays a very turbulent scene, uncertain, with serious problems in economic, political, the social thing and of course, in the educative thing. For that reason it is very valid when it is said, that before this reality, does not fit the smaller doubt, than the educative labor world has changed its scheme, every day becomes more complex and explosive, because the demands and the standards in the university educative quality they need to count on equipment of management in internal it of its structure of organization, are proactive, efficient, creative professionals who accept changes and the challenges of the new practices and the exigencies of the global labor market. I share with the opinion of the mentioned ones, that today educational the modern one requires of new competitions, abilities, skills, knowledge that they involve: Creativity? Initiative? Hermeneuta?Self-taught person?Self-critical? Communication? Leadership?Systemic vision? Work in equipment? Knowledge of the Tic? Empathy Synergy? Learning. Motivation?Learning Continuo and Situacional. Humanist? Facilitator and not a dificultador of knowledge? Adviser towards the transformations. Companion of the student through all the process of education learning. They suggest in addition, to add the denominated specialized competitions proposal by Of the Rivers, D.; Herrera, J.; M.Letelier and others (2000) professional Paradigms and competitions pag.113. Specialized competitions a.
To review, to criticize, to formulate or to modify objectives of the learning. b. To explore the needs and interests of its students. c. To define and to describe to the contents of an educational activity its specialty and to fix prerequisite for subjects.
d. To select and to prepare didactic material it educational activity and to design a system of evaluation of the learning. e. To adapt the relation between practical and theoretical activities. f. To involve to the students in the configuration of the learning units and to analyze the results of the evaluations in the learning of its students. g. To evaluate the educational process in its overall nature. h. To promote suitable habits of study to the profession of its students.
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