Advisory Council
Keeps seat in Les Corts, which Alberto Fabra has left free. The former Presidents can enter a part of the Consell Juridic out (CJC). Camps resigned from his post as President of the Generalitat on July 20. The expresident of the Valencian Generalitat, Francisco Camps and ntrara to form part of the Consell Juridic out (CJC), as envisaged in the Statute of former Presidents, and although it will maintain the minutes of regional Deputy, will waive the salary that Les Corts Valencianes cobra. So sources close to Camps, who has already applied for membership in this consultative body as a permanent member, without time limit and with annuities functions, have confirmed that allowing you to act with voice but no vote in the Consell Juridic out. The CJC members are subject to the incompatibilities regime established in general terms for senior members of the Administration, so that Camps can keep his seat in Les Corts Valencianes, something that will, according to the same sources. Francisco Camps now occupies the I bench that Alberto Fabra left vacant to be appointed president of the Generalitat and occupy the first Chair of the blue base, and sits in the third row, between the mayors of Valencia and Alicante, Rita Barbera and Sonia Castedo, respectively. Camps resigned from the post of president of the Generalitat on July 20, five days after the Superior Court of Justice of the Valencian Comunitat (TSJCV) decide to open trial against him for the so-called sake of costumes of the Gurtel case. Source of the news: Franciso Camps will enter into the Advisory Council and will forego the pay of Deputy
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