Brazil Modern
The Brazilian Modernismo, does not think thus, its authors wants to show to society of where it came to the Brazilian nation and the existing defects in it, with the main objective to scandalize, wanted to take the people to the reflection, the point to become conscientious of that they are products of a miscegenation of colors and cultures. It approached the indian as it is in its daily one, a smart and sluggish, full being of malice. The Brazilian reality of the Modernismo is different of that if it lives in the Romantismo, therefore searchs one real national identity, showing the face of the Brazilian as if it presents daily and consequentemente the obscure side of the society, becoming thus a neo-realism, the modern indianismo shows to Brazil in its some aspects, the modern society met in full population, economic development and cultural that tended to grow vertiginously with them influences of the industrialismo and the arrival of new technologies, what it caused the rupture with the past and related if with the classic literary schools. The culture, the language and proper literature had suffered and suffer much influence from the daily one and from technological and linguiticas evolutions for which the societies pass hodiernamente, trying, therefore thus to improve its techniques and evolution to follow with equality the advance of the times and not to be restrained in one definitive state of inertia. It is important to stand out that the romantismo did not have the concern to reconstitute a historical and real version of its present life, and yes tried to find and to impose values to its I publish reader. Ahead to this if it confrots the modernismo with its social fight for truily national identity, with the face of the Brazilian. The displayed article however studies the existing dichotomy between the two literary schools, the Romantismo of century XVIII, with its exacerbado and half nationalism maken a mistake and the Modernismo of century XX, with its nationalism with the face of the Brazilian, while nation miscigenada for some etnias, being the focus of the two schools the workmanships: I-Juca Pirama de Gonalves Days, romantic, and Macunama, the hero without no character of Mrio de Andrade, modern.
Tags: literature