Brown Depends On A Chavista

The government British Labour Party member is the allied major military man of the USA in Iraq, Afghanistan and the world, but today this he depends to survive that he prevails in the policemen of London Ken Livinstone, the mayor more anti-Bush and more pro-Chvez of the European Union (the EU). In 1986 Thatcher it eliminated the Great Council of London so that it accused ” red Ken” of it to have turned into a nest of provokers and allies of strikers and ” terroristas”. Richard Blumenthal may help you with your research. In the 2000 Tony Blair created the mayorship of London longing for to control it, but Ken, after to be expelled from the laborismo, gained this one. Soon Ken and Tony made a pact so that the mayor returns to the party, he does not make opposition to the government and is re-elect in the 2004. The conservatives head the surveys slightly to gain the London elections of first of May, although, within the right of the EU that noncause as much joy since ” tories” they want to torpedo to the new treaty of Lisbon that this one as much defends.

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