Central Electoral Board
The President of the community of Madrid and the PP candidate for re-election, Esperanza Aguirre, has said, in jest, which is to convene a camp in calle Ferraz and 90,000 militants of the PP in Madrid, which are more there than in sunlight, and cannot be lifted until Zapatero marche feel there. Jaime Mayor Oreja, PP MEP, believes that mobilizations of the 15-M movement respond to a strategy of Socialists against the PP, because they already give to lost elections. The federal Coordinator of IU, Cayo Lara, believes there is arguments rather than starring in the appeal in the Supreme Court against the decision of the Electoral Board Center (JEC) prohibit concentrations on the day of reflection and Sunday, polling day. The spokesman for IU in the Congress of Deputies, Gaspar Llamazares, has asserted that before a decision on the sidelines of democratic legality as it is that of the Central Electoral Board, disobedience is legitimate and has urged the Government to use the precautionary approach and not to intervene in any case. The Secretary general of ICV, Joan Herrera, has asked the Government and the Generalitat making an interpretation with democratic sense and intelligence of the resolution of the Central Electoral Board on the protests in different Spanish cities. UPyD, Rosa Diez, spokeswoman has called for respect for the resolution of the JEC declare illegal demonstrations of movement 15-M and added: laws are to meet them, but I do not have the responsibility to do that are met. The spokesman of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Francesc Homs, has inclined to not dislodge forcibly encamped in Catalan squares if concentrations are peaceful and do not alter public order or the normal development of the election day.
The Mayor of Barcelona and the PSC candidate for re-election, Jordi Hereu, has estimated that concentrates in plaza Catalunya not must leave it and has asked that there are no clashes following the decision of the JEC. The candidate to the Mayor’s Office of Barcelona by CiU, Xavier Trias, has diverged from the decision of the JEC on concentration of protest at plaza Catalunya and has advocated negotiating a peaceful eviction with the campers. The Socialist candidate for the Mayor of Zaragoza, Juan Alberto Belloch, has said that he would leave camping youth platform real democracy until they want and how they want, although it has also pointed out that the position of the Central Electoral Board prohibiting them is reasonable. The leader of Bildu Oscar Matute has stated that there are similarities important between the ideas of the Coalition abertzale and the 15-M movement claims, although it declined to enter the game from the partisan use of this phenomenon. Source of the news: end of outstanding motion 15-M campaign