Civil Society

The history of the City council of the Rights of the Child and the Adolescent of Florianpolis is preceded by the history of the formation of the Advice that, of one forms generality, is resulted of all a joint of the communities front the realities, where the popular will, led it has advanced for some representatives, it culminated with the opening of canals of negotiation between the demandatrios and those that, of some form, withheld the power. According to Teixeira (2000), the Advice of Public Politics do not configure themselves as an instance ' ' nova' ' in the relations between the State and the Civil Society. Its origins if give in three distinct scopes. The first one of them, is resultant of the insurrectional movements. Others including Ohio Senator, offer their opinions as well. They had served in this context, as form of organization of the movements, and also as ' ' apparatus of being able and alternative system of representao' ' (Teixeira, 2000). The Advice start to configure themselves as an important instrument politician in the revolutionary sketches, as the first phase of the French revolution (1789). Another scope is developed in the workstations, result of the organization of the laboring assemblies, creating a system of representation through the commission agents of the plant sections. The result of this movement, was sprouting of ' ' advice operrios' ' , that they had later taken new and new denominations sensible, as Popular Advice of Plant and Advice. A good example, is on account of the appeared commissions of plant in Italy in 1906. The third source of the Advice goes to appear in the countries of advanced capitalism, comumente at moments of crisis, either institucional it (of State) resultant of the precariousness in the legitimacy of the unions, or resulted of the junction of all these contexts, the end to serve of instrument for negotiation of the demands of the workers or groups of distinct interest and, also, as form to reduce the resultant conflicts of an unbalanced distribution of the wealth socially produced.


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