Collaborative Council
Studies by FAO, for its part, revealed that water consumption was multiplied six-fold over the last century, double what the population increased. Others Center for Research on the epidemiology of disasters, of Belgium, shows that during the period from 1996 to 2005 around 80% of all natural disasters were of meteorological or hydrological origin. And all this without taking into account that a temperature rise of between 3 and 4 degrees, as predicted by scientists for the second half of the century, will change the hydrological cycle and will worsen the local effects of floods and droughts., provides us with, that, many experts believe that access to water is one of the greatest challenges facing the world today. It is an extremely serious matter, said the BBC Jon Lane, executive director of the Collaborative Council for water supply and sanitation (WSSCC), a UN agency that is responsible for water and sanitation to poor communities. In recent years the headlines have focused on climate change, the financial crisis, the food crisis and those who work with water, we think that this resource is at the base of all these problems being experienced worldwide, in particular, which refers to climate change, says the expert, one of the attendees at the Conference.
According to the official, the impact climate change is having on humans is related to water. The figures presented the UN are not encouraging. According to the 1.1 billion people living in the world without drinking water. About 70% of water supplies used for irrigation, and much of this is lost until it reaches the floor. For the year 2017, says the UN, about 70% of the global population have problems for access to freshwater. And by 2025, approximately 40% of the population live in regions where there is a shortage of the liquid. According to specialists of the World Water Council, organizer of the present forum, if we are to continue generating food in 2050, will have to change modes of production really.