College National Carmen Pena

Republic of PARAGUAY ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI ARY 25 – years GUARANI, MERCOSUR NE TEETE August month of language GUARANI 2010 Fernando de la Mora, 08 of 2010 agsoto. N 13.698.-National Edition 25th of August, month of the original language GUARANI (second stage) read (click): on behalf of the ATENEO of language and culture GUARANI, I am pleased to invite you to the activities provided for in the second phase of the National Edition 25th of August, month of the GUARANi language, which this year takes place in adherence to the acts commemorative of the bicentennial of the Republic of the Paraguay; in homage to the popular poets: Carlos Cleto Canete, Roque Jacinto Lovera and maximum Zarza Mendoza; and in remembrance of the 25th anniversary of the ATHENAEUM of language and culture GUARANI. The slogan of this edition is to occupy all spaces (schools, colleges, universities, streets, squares, etc), cultural activities that facilitate the participation citizen (festivals, conferences, discussions, contests, conferences, seminars, congresses, etc.). The ATENEO is pursuing this venture annually, since 1986. Then the corresponding to the second stage program (09 to August 15): * Monday 09 14: 00 hs ASUNCION – at the Institute of fine arts (Proc. of may c / Ana Diaz) talk: trajectory of the Mbo ehara Felix de Guarania. Coordinator: DRA.

Maria A. Rojas 18: 00 hs YTUSAINGO (CORRIENTES, ARGENTINA) at the home of the Guarani women: their use in crafts and crafts. Coordinator: Prof. Jorge Gomez El Kunumi * Tuesday 10-07: 00 hours (CENTRAL) KAPIATA in the College National Carmen Pena presentation of typical foods and recipes. Coordinator: Lic. Mary Escobar de Arguello * Wednesday 11 – 10: 00 pm – SAN ESTANISLAO (SAN PEDRO) – Andres Barbero debate Institute: significance of the Guarani culture – Coordinator: DRA. Zulma Trinidad Zarza * Thursday 12-08: 00 hs YTUSAINGO (ARGENTINA) in the premises of the celebrations of the People exposure and reading books in Guarani Coordinator: Prof.

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