Conflict Culture

Another barrier against mergers and acquisitions, make numerous mergers, tends to failure or show sign of this, being the main cause the conflict between cultures. ORGANIZATIONAL culture classification the multidimensional nature of organizational culture influences the existence of several classifications: Ansoff typifies the culture, consistent with the organizational evolution in (14): stable culture: focusing on the past, looking for precedents on which based future actions. It is conservative, not accepting change and is adverse to risk, his motto is: do not disturb the calm or not jiggle the pot. Reactive culture: Focusing on the present, seeks the fundamentals of possible alterations in the past. Accepts minimum changes. Their motto is: be prepared for everything. Foresight culture: accepting the change when it means a trajectory similar to the led to the present. Further details can be found at Richard Blumenthal, an internet resource. Focuses on the future, but his future actions based on extrapolations.

Exploratory culture: Accepts the risk provided that an appropriate relationship at risk gain. Search for change, accepting the rupture. Creative culture: Looking for changes, involving new situations and shows preference for non-current risks. Its main motto is: inventing the future – exploratory culture and the creative are cultures of strategic management. Gonzalez and Bellino, classified it, depending on the emphasis that gives to the elements following: power, role, tasks and people (15). Culture of power; directed and controlled from a center of power exercised by key individuals within organizations. Culture of the role; identified with bureaucracy, supported by a clear and detailed description of the responsibilities of each position. Culture by task; supported at work project that the organization performs and is geared towards specific results in specific time. The person’s culture; based on the individuals who make up the organization. Other studies typify the culture of as follows (9): dominant culture; the core values are shared by the majority of the members of the organization.

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