Congress Model
If a professional protest, show you the stack of requests for dentists on waiting list to be hired, or directly removed from the primer, says Ziegler. The companies gave his version. For Rolando Gutesman, auditor of Dental Unified System, practitioners have had to convert: they stopped being an island and now which does not work with dental systems or social works, is doomed to not work. It recognizes that the system is more thought on profitability than in the patient’s health, but ensures that it is something that we from this company can not modify. By the greed of the market, the Capes are increasingly casualties complains Gutesman, networks are fighting for lower prices. On the modality of the guarantees, he explained that they are based on the statistical concept of not making twice the same provision. Rapaport argues that he has been proposed to companies making consultations with specialists of the highest level to know if a requirement is reasonable warranty, but had no success.
We are agreed that companies will do audits so that more benefits are not paid, but on condition that they do not with commercial interest and will pay honorably professionals, concluded the specialist. Thinking to lower cost dental problem is no stranger to the medicine in general: vicious growth of intermediation involves a waste of money, because the money that should go to services remains as these groups gain, maintains the medical sanitarist Aldo Neri. The model applies both to the social to the medicine works prepaid. The difference is that there is some regulation, that does not exist, because Congress has not yet sanctioned the corresponding regulations in the prepaid social works, says the specialist. The Argentine model tends to resemble the North American, the worst in the developed world, where spent much and evil, because there is excess of benefits, product of consumerism that invades also to the medicine. The difference is that here it is consumed more which can pay a higher fee, while the rest remains in underconsumption, adds the sanitarist. Neri, former Minister of health and member of the Programme Council of the Alliance, argues that the absence of the State, and the supply and demand as single regulation leads to lower the value of the capes at the expense of the work of the professional and the service that people get. Is it a model thought to lower costs with lower quality services, concludes.?
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