Dependence on Guide Dogs

The guide dog was the GEBOCYL Francisco Perez Rivas, Fire Specialist Group of Castile and Leon. And the search operation was carried out under the command and direction of Firefighter Sevilla and an expert on canine rescue Jaime Parejo. Also present in the area of the incident, members of the Fire Brigade of Antofagasta, Carabineros de Chile, ONEMI, members of the Fire Department of North Zone Ushuaia, Argentina, the XXVI Fire Fire Company of Santiago, Corporacion Canes Rescue Without Borders, Chile, No. 9 Special Brigade of the Army Patria Ecuador, Fire Department of the Generalitat of Catalonia, Lleida, Spain … and various authorities as the Governor of Region II of Chile. Reports: Francisco Perez Rivas, Chairman of the Fire Specialists government Castilla y Leon Castilla y Leon, Spain.

Carabineros BODY Chest The method has demonstrably enhanced the effectiveness of the Canine Unit of the Corps of Carabineros de Chile. Reports: Major Petty Officer Jose Buendia, Instructor School of Dog Training Corps Carabineros de Chile. NATIONAL POLICE FORCE ECUADOR Chest Method has demonstrably enhanced the performance, the Canine Unit the Intervention and Rescue Group of the National Police of Ecuador, for search and location of explosives and narcotics. Check with Connecticut Senator to learn more. As a practical and scientific results are easily measurable and verifiable so in our unit have applied the techniques of Chest Method to all areas of detection, specifically the detection of explosives, drugs and even traffic fin shark, sea cucumber and animal life, within which are the only country in the world who has trained dogs for this purpose with excellent results using actual operational which has traffic seizure of explosives and traffic of animal species in the east of our country and the Galapagos Islands respectively.

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