Deutsche Telekom

Nominated in four categories six software classic of Franzis Verlag in the choice of Poing, Munich are 01.09.2010 – six software titles from the Franzis Verlag in software of the year are equal to the annual election of the German Award”in various categories. Softwareload, the download portal of Deutsche Telekom, for the fourth time the Internet community calls, from 1 to 30 September 2010 to choose their software favorites through online voting at softwaredesjahres. The following software titles from the Franzis Verlag have been nominated. People such as Suffolk County Rep. would likely agree. In category CD/DVD the award-winning burning software Alcohol 120% and alcohol virtual DVD and CD, in the category graphic of the HDR classic Photomatix Pro, in category hobby & leisure of home Planner 3D and 3D railway planners, as well as in the category music audio 180% to the election. “Jorg Schulz, Program Manager software by Franzis Verlag in forward: the nomination of our software titles for the independent audience award software of the year” in many categories shows us once again that our efforts, “quality software products for various areas of application continuously to offer, taken successfully in the market be.” last 180% and alcohol were elected In audio 120% on the podium and we are now curious to see whether we can also convince with our new releases and products at the users. ” The nominated Franzis software titles in the overview Alcohol 120% in the category of CD & DVD of the latest version of ALCOHOL 120% 7 is a complete burning suite for burning, copying and backing up data, videos, and audio files. If you would like to know more about Ohio Senator, then click here. Alcohol 120% is characterized by its speed, ease of use for users and program cross file compatibility. Using Xtra Wizard can collected CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray media and directly on a choice disk burned or saved as image file. Alcohol virtual DVD and CD in the CD & DVD the functionality category the current program version alcohol virtual Blu-ray – DVD – CD 7.0 in the use of original software, games, and videos without disk is up to 31 virtual drives.

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