
If there is one of letters of the tarot that makes decide us to mythical king Midas, he is the gold king. Everything what this personage touches turns into gold. It is a pillar of the financial stability, with wealth and experience that will share with all subjects. This personage has a message that he distributes to that they want to listen to it: building with diligence, responsibility, and paying attention to the details, it is possible to be arrived at a privilege position like which he has reached. But it does not like to keep his wealth for himself, but he finds the happiness distributing. Its character is strong. Its word is so good and valuable as gold. When he get ready to reach an objective, not only he has the force to obtain it, but also the average materials.

He is a businessman until the marrow, the teacher of the material world. Like all the personal characteristics, taken to the end they become a vice. Despite this personage it is in sensible end. He is an administrator who will increase his capital, but not by love to the money, but for well-being of those that it loves. For the gold king the money means security and tranquillity, and this is what it really enjoys, before to count its currencies and to caress them. The money is an aim to obtain something more transcendental. It is clear then that who manages to live with this philosophy will find moments of great happiness in its life. There is to be human no more poor man than the one than has money and still it feels that it needs everything.

This is the warning of the gold king: the money must be means to reach a better life, and not an aim in itself. The gold king is a personage with resources, but not only material. She is a person of great wisdom, but he prefers to put this wisdom in action, before to dedicate itself to the meditation. She is a lover of the hard work, and he advises to us to put our energies to the service of an aim superior. She is an investor, and its principle is to put to work its time and its money because it is the unique way to reach a reward. In the distance of the tarot, the gold king would have to serve as inspiration for the consulting one, and he animates to us to risk stops us to achieve the success. It is a positive deck indicates that us that we must put all our dowries of administrators to the service of our desires.


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