Donking Donuts
Donkin Donuts, the popular chain of the cafeteria premises and American pastry shop has known historically to do an excellent use of the social networks, in particular of Facebook and Twitter, creating presence of mark, and an excellent reputation online. One of the ways in which DD has known to capitalize its enormous number of followers (in Twitter it has almost 44,000 followers, whereas in Facebook, the amount of fans surpasses million one hundred thousands), creating contests and campaigns, who have had an excellent repercussion on the part of his fans. In the middle of 2009, DD sent to the contest ” Keep it Coolatta” obvious, Coolatta is one of its products. The same consisted of which the users raised their photos drinking Coolatta, and the prizes consisted of i-Phone, a Plasma television, or vouchers to consume DD products. Now, repeating the success achieveed with this campaign, they send ” Twinter Games” for Twitter. Again, the idea is that the users raise their photos, with certain hashtags (#). The followers responded sending a 1900 photos.
The prizes were not so spectacular, generally one card of flattery of 50 dollars to use in some of the premises. There is much to learn of these examples. First of all, it is not necessary to organize contests with spectacular prizes (the light truck 4X4 and the trip to the Caribbean is for another opportunity). The stimulus so that a user participates, then, is not the economic one. Simply, the desire to participate and the diversion can create highly positive effects. The creativity is also remarkable. Surely, more from a million followers they did not obtain them with messages like It consumes our products, are of first quality! .
Evidently, DD has known to find syntony of their public, that is to say, it gives them what they hope: diversion, pleasure, entertainment, and the sense of property that the consumers look for. The answer to the question How inserted my business/marks/product in the social networks? , she is much more simple that to appeal to complex questions of marketing, words key, anchor texts, and urls. We return to make the same question of always: why enter people the social average? By diversion, in 99% of the cases. Then, this is what there is to give them. The DD example is for imitating. With its constant presence a place in the daily habits of its consumers has known to be created: to happen through the page to see whereupon newness they are. And also it is a dissuasive fort to face the presence in the social average of an excessively promotional way. The key is in intelligence, and the development of an own style of communication. It will be necessary to see if other companies imitate this style or create new forms to come near to that enormous captive hearing that is in the social networks.
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