General Council
The number increased in a 2% in 2010, when happening from 124,594 to 127.682. The divorces were increased a 3%, although the number of separations and the one of declared marriages null lowered. Andalusia was the region where more pairs divorced. To read more click here: Sen. Sherrod Brown. The number of married ruptures in Spain increased in a 2% in 2010 with respect to the year previous, when happening from 124,594 to 127,682, which bankruptcy the tendency to the diminution of divorces, separations and invalidities that began in 2007 and which was accentuated with the crisis. According to data of the General Council of Poder Judicial (CGPJ), the divorces were increased a 3%, from 115,951 to 119,554, whereas the separations diminished a 6%, from 8,468 to 7,962, and the declared marriages null lowered from 175 to 166, a 5%. Of the 119,554 definitive married ruptures that entered in the set of Spain the last year, 70,932 were in mutual agreement and the 48,622 rest were nonagreed. Also there were 7,962 separations, of which 5,233 were in mutual agreement and rest 2,729 without consensus.
The number of divorces the year last in all the independent communities with respect to 2009 rose, except in Aragon, Asturias and the Canary Islands, territories where it descended to be placed in 2.724, in 2.902 and 6.564, respectively. In absolute terms, Andalusia was the region where more pairs divorced, up to 22,232, followed of Catalonia, with 21,884, and Madrid, with 16.483. On the contrary, a smaller number of divorces in La Rioja was registered, with 640 cases, Navarre, with 1,282, and Cantabria, with 1.503. The separations lowered respectively in all the territories, safe in Asturias and Madrid, where they increased up to 228 and 1,024. Source of the news: They increase the married ruptures after three years of diminution
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