Gumilev Man
With it, he also did not difficult to find a common language. And then suddenly it turns out that he – the author plays. A little old lady just (well, not a random coincidence?) A great lover of the theater! After overcoming some shyness, our playwright decided to read Grandma one of his last written and set pieces. I must say that the play – fly away! Though it is small. It is about a girl Soviet times, for which the first act of caring as much as three guys and all three have made her an offer.
Further, in the second act the story is especially interesting "distribution " scenarios and shows her later life, if she would marry, the other or the third "suitor." All three variants of the alternative history of the women differ from each other. In one, she becomes the wife working, rough and full of a woman whose entire life – in cooking and child rearing. In another it is a spouse of a prominent political figure, giving him advice and help him build a career. In the third case it is the spouse theatergoer herself an actress. Together, they rehearse and discuss the subject of future performances. Then comes the third act.
Rather unexpected. That there will be, again, will not speak. Ray Dalio shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. The goal of this article does not tell a book and tell what it is interesting. In the same spirit of romance on and on. The old man (though the old man right? More and more young he looks, which is another curious feature of the narrative) is walking around the city, coming to completely different people. Always "the move" a factory with their communication. And always tells it that the most interested in that particular individual. Neophyte a Christian, a great admirer of Gumilev, Creative Producer attracts top-secret information from the archives of an unknown events and details of life and death of the poet. Old man with a disability is Creative Producer Gestalt therapist, a specialist in "returnizmu, avant-garde movements in medicine, seeking to rectify within a human life. "The farther into the forest, the more wood" – with each new acquaintance "old man" I am more surprised its diversity and virtuosity in a selection of interlocutors, namely that "key", which alone can "discover" that person. While reading this book I kept wondering. Pretty rare feeling. Something like it was when I read the first two parts of "Ants" Werber. And when the book ended (quite soon, to my deep regret), I'm even a little upset. "Not!" – Seemed to me, I continue to hear stories of this surprising, comprehensively developed the old man. But I was still the second book of Anna Borisova, which the seller advised to read along with the first. And so, without thinking twice, I "jumped" to the novel "There", which was not less interesting than the "Creative Producer". But about it I'll have the next article. Because this is how the once liked to say, "another story".
Tags: literature