History And Power
In: CARDOSO, Ciro Flamarion Santana, VAINFAS, Ronaldo (orgs). Domnios of History: assays of theory and methodology. Rio De Janeiro: Elsevier, 1997. The author starts its text speaking of the polissemia of the concepts of History and power, where the term to be able will be understood as equivalent the politics or politician, however the power must be analyzed as social relation that must plurally be identified, where if must when studying the term understand varies it faces of the power, thus enxergando not to be able it, to inside be able but them of the effective social relations daily. In the present Falcon text he makes one analyzes historiogrfica of the passage of History Politics, where he constructs such rocking with arguments that go since the call birth of history with Herdoto, passing for the history of the medieval period, arriving at centuries XVI and XVII, and finally in centuries XVIII with iluminista History, and century XIX with traditional or methodical history (called positive) reached hegemony of this historiogrfica trend of character politician until first the critical ones for parts of marxist History still in the XIX, of the Annales of first and the second generation (decline of history politics) until its return having as great firing pins at the moment Foucault and Remond. We understand that most important it is to start to focus History politics from century XIX, where Falcon speaks of as it was the character of this history: … in century XIX, the power is always of the State institutions, devices, controllers: the events are always events politicians, therefore these are noble and worthy subjects of the attention of the historians. (p.65) In this way that if understood History with character of cientificista, where History politics produced during this period was narrative, factual and linear, where the facts were proven as true or false..
Tags: history