India Colleges the Foundation Announces 10 scholarships to study with other young people from 80 countries. Author: the source for more info. About 40,000 students in the world, 400 Spaniards, have lived the experience. The call will remain open until January 31, 2013. The aid will allow two pre-university education courses. The Foundation Committee Spanish of of the United World Colleges (United World Colleges UWC) convenes 10 seats with scholarship and many others pay to study the international baccalaureate in any of the 12 centres that has spread over four continents. Students who finally achieved one of these squares will have the opportunity to study and live for two years with other young people from between 80 and 100 countries. Seats will be awarded according to merit, potential, creativity and social commitment of the candidates.
In recent years, Spain has established itself as the number one country in received requests to access the United World colleges. The aid, valued at 47,500 euros each, allow to make the two courses of pre-university education in Canada, United States, Costa Rica, Singapore, China, India, Norway, Swaziland, United Kingdom or Italy. Requirements for applying for one of the seats need to be studying 4 ESO or 1 year of high school, have been born in the years 1996 or 1997, be Spanish or resident in Spain in the last eight years with the nationality pending, have a good academic record and basic knowledge of English. The application form can be downloaded directly on the website and the term will end January 31, 2013. Those boys and girls who do not comply with the requirement of nationality can apply for the scholarship through the National Committee of the United World Colleges of their country of origin. When selecting candidates, the Committee appreciates, in addition to the notes, potential students and other no less important issues such as his involvement in the problems of the community in which you live, if you develop any creative activity or if they practice some sport. Selection process About 50 students, who must develop a social project will be chosen in the preselection.
The selection process will take place in Madrid. Students will have to pass a written test, an interview, a psychological test and exposure of the social project which the student has previously prepared. Half of the students will go to the final phase, which will consist of a group dynamic and another personal interview. Obligations of grantees during their stay in the United World Colleges, these students must devote at least two hours a week to a creative activity; at least two others to the practice of sports, and between three and six hours to the Community assistance programmes. In the latter case, we can examples include teaching English classes to women disadvantaged in La India, collaborate with the service of the United Kingdom coastguard or help in the conservation of a reserve marina in Canada. See more: open request for international baccalaureate at United World Colleges Scholarship
Tags: creativity, noticias-actualidad, political, today