Insurance Cost
The result is that to evaluate it with the utmost certainty (as it happens in a typical home) too hard. As a result, it appears that the insurance procedure is too long and also requires considerable financial investment. 2. The process of concluding the transaction in the case of the suburban real estate difficult. All this because, for its conclusion to a lot of documents, and legislative innovations have not been studied properly. How exactly do in this case, is not always clear 3. In addition, the law of the land and a house on it – a completely different times. Accordingly, the registration documents on these two sites will also be different and separate.
This means that if the owner gets the property houses building, it does not mean that he is also starting to own and land. 4. An important distinguishing point country insurance – the purpose of the land. For example, in terms of the situation is clear – the fellowship is legitimate, because it has a place in the territory intended for communities. Out of town – otherwise. Despite the fact that agricultural land is very suitable for the construction of comfortable homes, laws against it.
So, before you build a country house without any particular problems – you need to change status of the land. Otherwise, illegal ranked housing will be demolished. 5. It was out of town are many sites that are under special state protection. Build on these lands is prohibited, but the rent for a certain period – it is possible. Advanced tenants instead of the allowed arrangement of the so-called well-appointed luxury homes erected. Alas, the future of real estate such as is nebezoblachnym. All these aspects can cause confusion in the situation of the suburban real estate and the start of court cause strife. Risk of being in such a situation has the potential to undergo almost any object owner property that is located outside the city. NOT TO trapped … buying land, you must use the services of professional Realtors (who have experience with this suburban area of land), because they are able to provide you with substantial help and find out, for example, not be subject to a section of your future state building (infrastructure, for example). It is necessary to know in order to avoid being neudel, having built in the future in this sector housing. If the land under your house will be demanded, the state has the right to withdraw it (the house, of course, will be demolished). The owner, of course, will receive compensation, but that's just its amount may be inadequate market value. In order not to encounter problems of this kind, you should contact the insurance company, but only after the desired object (land) will be found, and documents about its origin will be carefully considered necessary to note … Usually, property insurance may be a year or three, or ten years. Accordingly, the cost of insurance in the first case of eight per cent of its real estate prices in the second – half per cent in the third – four. To remove the correct amount will certainly invite appraiser who determines the value of the property. By the way, if time property to smoke in price, and amount of insurance will increase (need to pay). Before you sign an insurance contract, the insurance companies very carefully study the real estate deal and its legitimacy, because which case they are responsible, covering any damage money. Source: