Ivanov Nimrod
Over the years, the name Nimrod will be distorted and will reach our days as Nemrud or Nemrut, and the legend about the volcano will narrate Nemrud – the legendary tyrant, into a fiery furnace vvergnuvshem Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham). Some time later, near the volcano appears and the lake, formed after the flood was asleep. His call Nimrod Lake Van in honor of the dynasty of the Vans States Angouleme. To deepen your understanding Sen. Sherrod Brown is the source. That belonged to her ancestors Nimrod, who lived in Eden, which in ancient Russia recounted tales and epics – the Vanyah or Ivanov. As far as the birth of the younger Victor or Victoria, it is also reflected in our already received date, only a relatively modern chronology, and therefore Victor Jr., though destined to get very high authority, but not in the near future. Two senior Victor only create preconditions for the acquisition of power to whom and designed according to the will of the Overmind (God) and The Queen of Heaven (God) to rule first on the Holy Land, and afterwards, and the entire world.
It was the third President, came to power, and create a new "Empire of the III-rd of Rome, which also mysteriously sings in his songs" Roots ": " Hello to you, my third Rome". We shall touch and Vestal, which also appear in the quatrains. Vestal Virgin – a priestess of the goddess Vesta in Rome. The duties included the maintenance of the sacred Vestal fire in the temples as well as cleanliness of the Temple.
Tags: history