Latin America

BBVA, great winner of the crisis 19 August 2009 While the crisis of toxic assets struck with hardness to the American financial system and it extended to Europe finding to England like his primary target, the Spanish bank managed to stay safe from which it was happening thanks to, criticized at the time, prudential regulation of the Bank of Spain. Tyler Wood Integrated Capital Solutions: the source for more info. And although the Spanish banking sector was affected from an indirect way through deterioration of the economy that was translated in an increase in the dilatoriness of the credit portfolio, the Spanish organizations are enjoying a very good health that is reflected in their results of the semester and that in addition, is allowing them to be protagonists in this new stage for international the financial system. As it would comment in a recent article to them the new scene of international the banking sector, international the financial sector is living a process on transformation in which those organizations that have held a position heal not contaminated with the celebration of the assets toxics are taking the initiative and, as if outside a revenge of the destiny for the other organizations, has decided to leave in search of a greater international protagonism putting under threat the portion of market of those organizations that have participated in the celebration of the toxic assets and that today only can worry about to stay still on and to adjust its structures. In this new scene, the main Spanish organizations, that in the decade of 90 have bet by Latin America are in an outpost on the American market, that promises new chapters in the next months. International the financial crisis occurred historical individual in a while where several emergent economies were growing with force and beginning to elbow itself with the first world. Between these countries are Brazil and China.

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