Latin American Knowledge
In this dialogue Plato concludes that if there are multiple things should be no differentiation between them and in this sense is no dissimilarity, but to the extent that there is a dissimilarity, these things have a same condition and are therefore similar. Hence, according to Plato, in the solution that offers at mouth of Socrates, there no problem for one thing simultaneously possess opposite properties, in this case, the Parmenides, the similarity and dissimilarity. The complexity is to understand reality from what is woven together, what is interdependent, interactive and inter-retroactivo 9; Therefore, inseparable even being formed by elements different, which in turn constitute a whole. In today’s Latin American societies policy is not the same as religion, these are two different social systems that interact in a way, the vast majority of the times, antagonistic but at the same time complementary. By this, the complexity is a letter of the world in phenomena, events, actions, and hazards that constitute it. Complexity is the relationship between the unit and the multiplicity, is a dialogue between opposites, since it understands that in them is the quidque can allow us to find new paths of understanding (educational, ideological, political, social, etc). The complexity has within himself the disorder as a moment which provokes a new order 10.
The complexity is not everything, is not the totality of the real thing. Complex thought may not reveal knowledge or reality in its full form, because if it did it would be denying any possibility of advance the same understanding of things and, in turn, would lead to affirm that the knowledge itself and of the reality that surrounds it not could know nothing more than. On the contrary, complex thought behaves inside a principle of incomplete because he knows that full and finish knowledge is impossible. Complex thought is not the resolvent canon’s thinking, but a proposal and knowledge to develop strategy.