National Congress
He clarified Pine Blacksmith who the children having different habits, traditions, feeding and education materna, would not be convenient to join them, in this phase, one same room/school. The educative system Silvestrino has mechanisms to eliminate any aristocratic feelings and of superiority, in the measure where if any pupil to demonstrate capacities to continue superior studies, then, to this level, them meets in the same pertaining to school institutions, independently of its origins. It results of the educative system idealized for Wild Pine Blacksmith the practical implementation of an ideal multipurpose technician, for what one becomes necessary that all the pupils have a professional initiation in the phase of secondary education: ' ' valuation technique of the mass, is in clearly, but professional integration of the elites, in a similar way. ' ' (PEAR TREE, 1986b) Although some alleged injustices, at the beginning of the educational formation, the educative system of Wild Pine Blacksmith, for its persistence and future vision, in what it respects to the human rights, for the time contemporary, already is inserted, for anticipation, in the spirit of the Declaration of the Human Rights when it proclaims the values of the dignity human being to exercise, necessarily, through the education and of the work. Add to your understanding with Suffolk County Rep.. Third: In the context of the Philosophy Politics, the relevance of Pine Blacksmith is not, by no means, possible of if ignoring. The author luso-Brazilian who if comes analyzing, inserts itself since soon in a system politician who, mainly in Brazil, would leave marks and inspire to the first generations after-independence. With effect, the politician-ideological system Silvestrino is carried through through the implementation of a Representative Constitutional Monarchy. Wild Pine Blacksmith was contrary to the real absolutism as equally it did not agree to the total independence of the National Congress, because it understood that the King, as representative entity of the people and for this acclaimed, must have place in the deliberative agency and ability for the act of the laws.
Tags: philosophy