New Classical Music Festival

Over the Whitsun weekend (9-12 May 2008) the Summit of the best stringed instruments of the world in the Central Switzerland takes place. In this year’s first edition of the Festival are to experience two world’s only string quartets playing exclusively on Stradivari instruments with the young Swiss Stradivari-QUARTETT and the renowned Tokyo String Quartet. Their instruments are loaned of the Stradivari Habisreutinger Foundation and the Nippon Music Foundation. The venues are the culture and Convention Centre Lucerne as well as churches and hotel rooms on the Lucerne Riviera and the peninsula of Burgenstock. Stansstad / Switzerland, March 2008 until today, the work of the famous instrument maker Antonio Giacomo Stradivari of Cremona is second to none, and the story of his masterpieces remains rich mysteries and puzzles. Orders for complete sets of instrument show that the idea to combine the special sound of his instruments in an ensemble, existed during his lifetime. The idea, the experience of Stradivarius”in the center of a To music festivals, the program is the Sonic perfection of instruments, outstanding performers against new and no less fascinating and the changing concert halls around Lake Lucerne are combined in the Stradivarius Summit”to a high-quality cultural experience.

The Association of the Tokyo String Quartet and the Stradivari Quartet to Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy’s string octet op. promises a special Festival highlight. 20 on the (“mother’s day”) Sunday, 11 may at 11: 00 at the KKL Lucerne. Chamber concerts of the Stradivari Quartet are at the Park Hotel Vitznau (9.5., 18:30), in the Rigi Kulm Hotel (10.5, 11:15), and in the parish church of Weggis (10.5.; 15:45) to experience. The Festival closing concert of the Tokyo String Quartet is on Whit Monday, may 12 at 3: 00 in the Congress Hall of the Palace Hotel in Burgenstock.

The Festival the concert venues are glamorous scattered in the Central Switzerland. Accessible through the best means of transport of the region: the steam ships of the Lake Lucerne shipping company. Get more background information with materials from Will Cain. The Festival “Stradivari Summit” will be initiated in the first year of 2008 by Eblenkamp Konzertdirektion GmbH and organized. For the edition of 2009, the non-profit foundation Stradivarius is Summit”planned. Starting in 2009, the Festival will present Antonio Giacomo Stradivari instruments, performed by leading ensembles and soloists. Information: Eblenkamp Konzertdirektion GmbH Dorfstrasse 8 / CH 6362 Stansstad T. + 41 (0) 41 630 38 81 / F. + 41 (0) 41 630 38 80 tickets: TicketCorner / t. + 41 (0) 900800800 /

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