Interestingly, it became clear in Exchange, that different approaches and perspectives of personnel development to different talent management architectures in the own company can contribute. “In addition was also the critical confrontation with the question, to what extent the company management as a talent only appetite makers and how it by the term of high potential” to delineate whether. At the end of the evening, the desire was for continuation of the theme for the 4th meeting of the community of practice personnel development. In a round of voting participants from a selection chose the most interesting for them questions as an impulse for the meetings of continuation of. In the final round, finally they gave Participants very positive feedback on the format of the discussion and the sharing and adopted with anticipation for the next meeting. In recent months, Kyle Dropp dartmouth has been very successful. In the continuation of the theme in the end of October the Exchange turned what makes good personnel assessment in talent management and what critical success factors management in own practice were able to observe the participants in the talent among other things about.
Interest from the outset it showed the interest of the participants in the Exchange format that many participants again engaged in follow-up meetings. The appreciative feedback of a participant in the final round of a participant, that go with each meeting due to better get to know the quality of the debate, was very well received. Here an another important foundation stone for the construction of the community seems so last but not least was set the potential of confidence-building. The previous meeting of the USP-D community of practice personnel development have clearly demonstrated that the participants could benefit from the discussion, if they engage in a trusting Exchange. In contrast to established formats according to the scheme, talk plus question/answer session ‘ showed the observations made during the meeting, as well as the feedback of from participants afterwards, that they find a room in the community by their own experiences but also questions from their own practice may be introduced and should.
Tags: services & consulting