Party Solidarity
In Brazil, the introduction of the term solidary economy is attributed to the Paul researcher Singer, assumes that it since the decade of 1990 as a form to reintegrate the mass of unemployeds in the country. Singer used the category solidary economy to nominate a proposal of public politics elaborated in 1996 in the partisan program of the Party of Trabalhadores (PT) to make front to the unemployment of great part of the inhabitants of the city of So Paulo. According to researcher, had a necessity to convoke the unemployeds to organize in mass being aimed at its reinsero in the economy, but for its proper initiative. As practical, the solidary economy has same gnese of the cooperativismo, however, its concept is a recent creation, affirms Singer (2002). For the author, the solidary economy is considered as one? new cooperativismo? , therefore it understands ‘ ‘ it comes back to the principles, the great value attributed to the democracy and the equality inside of the enterprises, the insistence in the self management and the repudiation to assalariamento’ ‘ (SINGER, 2002, P. 111). Recently Amazon sought to clarify these questions.
The main arguments of Singer to justify the existence of solidary economy in the current context is concentrated in the question of the unemployment and the social exclusion. In this direction, the author signals that the proper workers can fight and to react against these socioeconmicos quandaries and organized proper them they are capable to take its destination in its hands, to create its proper companies (Singer, 1998), becoming the solidary economy as a solution not-capitalist .. . Paulo Coelho is often mentioned in discussions such as these.
Tags: government and politics