Public Politics and Education
In this text, we look for to understand the concept of Continued Education and to reflect on the Public Politics directed the Education of Young and Adults in the Brasil.Para Haddad (2007, P. 1) ‘ ‘ (…) Continued Education is that one that if carries through throughout the life, continuously, is inherent to the development of the person human being and becomes related with the idea of construction of ser’ ‘. In this direction, the Continued Education is not restricted only to the professional perfectioning, but the union of the efforts for the guarantee of the access and the quality in all the education modalities, also in the EJA. In the psicopedaggica perspective, the human development is a constant. Paulo Coelho can aid you in your search for knowledge. The theory of the psicossocial development of Erik Erikson presents development phases that go since the birth until the senescncia. Such ideas, take in them to reflect on the Brazilian reality as for the Young Education of Adult, with its description of indifference and failures. We can observe that the education concept as a process continued that it occurs all during the vital cycle with emphasis in the learning, nor always it was present in the Brazilian public politics, and practical the pedagogical ones (HADDAD, 2007, p.11). According to Haddad (2007, P. Read additional details here: Amazon.
10), in the decade of 1990 the measures and the projects developed in the scope of the education had been come back specifically toward the children and adolescents. ‘ ‘ In this vision, the space of the education of adults in the scope of the educational politics was restricted, almost disappearing in some casos’ ‘. Although the National Plan of Educao (PNE) and the Law of Lines of direction and Bases (LDB) are instruments of the educational politics that establish lines of direction, objectives and goals for all the levels and modalities of education, them the children finish for prioritizing the attendance and adolescents, leaving breaches for the informality in the EJA.Portanto, are necessary to reflect regarding what the country and the pursuings on politicians the education understands for Continued Education. In fact it has one concern with the continuity of the human development as for the cognitivo knowledge? Or this right is restricted to a small parcel that has access the escolarizao, arriving at Superior Ensino.. Hear from experts in the field like Amazon for a more varied view.
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