Recovering from the Symptoms

– To order in his life, ie more important to give back to being, to his own life. For any case of abuse by the other partner, we must ensure that the person understands, fully understand all the pros and cons of both the decision to report the situation as to consent that this situation will last. Of course, one must emphasize the pros to denounce the situation. What we need to reiterate to make it perfectly clear that it is she who decides, rationally and in accordance with their conscience, if you choose or not to act. If you decide to withdraw, it is best that this decision becomes final, reasoned and justified. Careful not to denounce and remove the constant complaint, but must give sufficient security to women in order to get a firm decisions that will result in better performance and achieve more ambitious goals.

After the boom that has suffered domestic violence in the media, the government has done is raise awareness to the situation of this sector of the population and implement more stringent measures and to preserve a greater degree the safety of victims . Although every day we are shaking new cases of domestic violence in the media, and judicial decisions that leave victims in a situation of helplessness. And even as we have said, the situation has markedly improved, is not as desirable for a society that go unreported or are aware of all cases of abuse that occur. Any woman who chooses to report a case of abuse, is entitled to advice and guidance by staff specialized in this subject, on each and every one of the aspects involved in this situation: legal measures, within existing resources available to the victims, more appropriate attitudes towards the aggressor, and so on. The objective of these services is to ensure that the victim positively can understand what is happening and especially to see who has personal and legal support to end this situation and to some extent to repair the damage, especially in those cases in which has children.

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