Republic Policy

The housing deficit in Venezuela has been increasing steadily as the years pass. Approximately two million homes are currently required to give amparo to the vast population that has suffered the rigors of the rains last month. It is palpable that requires the competition of the public and private sectors established a strategy for housing policy that has as an objective, in the medium and long term, achieve the massive construction of social interest housing. This will be achieved with a clear housing policy to clearly establish the rules of the game, where all economic sectors will have to intervene in order to achieve the desired goal. Achieving this objective requires: the use of unused urban land belonging to the municipalities, States and to the Republic, in order to devise a plan for housing policy that allows in the medium and long term the construction of 200 thousand units annually. The contest of the best architects, urbanists, developers and builders and communities to carry out a massive construction plan. The contribution gives the banks for financing builders and users of the system for the purchase of housing. The contribution of the State to meet the needs of those who cannot access the financial system, for its financial condition subsidizing the purchase of housing units.

The use of fiscal stimulus, applying direct and indirect tax exemptions to the producers in order to improve the entry to the construction business. Increase of affordable building materials and give ease to obtain foreign exchange for the acquisition of machinery abroad. Finish with the bureaucracy so that operations to obtain the permission is more expeditious, as well as eliminate unnecessary steps when it comes to drawing up the operations of purchase sale and mortgage documents. To solve the housing problem, the Government must devote great part of gross domestic product to investment in the construction sector and do so for a medium and long period in a way that in approximately ten years have covered housing demand. A well articulated housing policy would reactivate the economic system, creating jobs, activating depressed sectors of the economy, boosted the country’s economic and social development. Is time that the problem be put at its root and that together, public and private sector to feel to delineate a housing policy to the needs of the population that is at the end, which loaded with the weight and the frustration of not having a decent place to live. It has never been so important that all economic, social and productive sectors of Venezuela, to agree on a problem currently affecting the vast Venezuelan population that has as a priority to have decent housing, with the added value of family security. We must all contribute our grain of sand so that the solution is immediate and thus build the Venezuela that we all want. This will succeed it with a clear housing policy.

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