Security Council
The adoption of that text of commitment, endorsed by 193 countries except by Bolivia, took passage to a series of interventions between Soln, in some occasion booed by the rest of the room, and Espinosa, applauded by the other countries. Soln reiterated that its country ” it does not want I veto, I veto is not a democratic mechanism. I veto occurs in the Security Council where it is decided the future of the humanity with guerras”. ” Bolivia is a small country with principles, a country that does not sell its sovereignty and that speaks by the towns of mundo” , it indicated. The envoy of the White House for the Climatic Change, Todd Stern, said that the United States supported ” totally its decisions and all the work realizada” , while it proposed to the presidency of the summit ” to change the consensus by the general agreement since the rules of procedimiento” were never approved; of the meeting. Espinosa said that she gave ” for third time palabra” to the Bolivian delegation in this session, but he requested to him that ” he would not expand plus this reunin” , and the answer arrived from another Bolivian diplomat, instead of Soln, that insisted on ” abrir to a dialogue democrtico”. Of that way commitment texts were approved both presented/displayed by Espinosa, one based on the continuation of the Protocol of Kyoto (1997) and the other on long term cooperation (LCA, by its abbreviation in English), picking up the moment of the negotiation.
In spite of this disadvantage, it comments the mentioned source of intelligence The agreement obtained in Cancn abre to the route to the creation of a Climatic Green Bottom (GCF, by its abbreviation in English) within the Convention Frame of the UN on Climatic Change that will count on an advice with twenty-four Member States. Also it recognizes the necessity of ” to mobilize 100,000 million dollars per year as of 2020 to take care of the needs of the developing countries “. In relation to the transparency, a subject that interested particularly to the United States, the commitment text raises that the actions of mitigation with international support are put under measurement, reports and verification (MRV) in agreement with you rule established by the Convention. The approved document it allows to the beginning of a system of Consultations and Analysis the International (ICA, by its abbreviation in English) ” of way nonintrusive, nor punitive, and respectful of the sovereignty nacional” that they will realise experts. Also it is postponed to a little while future the decision on if there is or one second phase of the Protocol of Kioto and does not ask to the countries to raise his ” level of ambicin” in cuts As mentions: The Agreement of Cancn recognizes the importance of tying the labor subjects with the climatic change and its respective policies. The agreement indicates that to approach the climatic change it demands an important transformation in the way in that the world produces and consumes. This structural change will have considerable impacts on the companies and the workers, negative as as much positive. The challenge is to create and to take the opportunities new greener uses and to compensate the losses in other sectors that could put in danger the sustainable development.
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