Silva Son Right
In the Constitution, she says that ' ' the taxes of real interests, could not be superior the twelve percent ' ' , this is a right that already was born deceased, therefore is an impossible right of if fulfilling in our current situation Brazilian economy, that also we do not only see no governor fighting for the fulfilment of this right, therefore to think a little will see that he is one of the rights most important, because indirectly cause the death of thousand of people, therefore the high one of the interests generates the increase of foods, generating with this the hunger, that takes the death of many people, but is deaths that for the governing, are not on directly nor a right of ours Constitution. But, everything this takes, me to a thought, that is ' ' The failure of the companies you publish, is the success of the companies privadas' '. still to another thought, ' ' because to improve the public services, if the main owners of the private companies are ours governantes' ' , that they are for in the elect ones, and if they are responsible them for the changes and fulfilment of all the rights. Idelbrando Teodoro Da Silva Son.
Tags: government and politics