South America
Afro-indigenas Mosquito are the main inhabitants of the area of Honduras, but due to the recent movements of population due to the struggles, have no figures for the number of inhabitants of this region. Do the Nicaragua Mosquito Coast has a population of 118,000 inhabitants, consisting of 57% of mosquitoes, 22% Creoles (afro-europeos) 15% ladinos (mixed Spanish speakers), 4% Sumu (Amerindian) 1% Garifuna (exhibition) and 0? 5% Rama (Amerindian) and also a 0? 5% Chinese and other foreigners. The Creole Indian is the main language of the Creoles and the majority of the Garifuna and branch; It is the second language of the majority of mosquitoes and some people of mixed race. The western part of Honduras and Nicaragua were originally inhabited by the Mayans and then groups of Aztecs une came from the North who cultivated the fertile soil. The tropical forests of the East were populated hunters who spoke Macrochibcha languages of the North of South America. The conquest of this area in 1520 Spaniards established its domination of the western part of central America, but there was little that stalwart in the East, the British settlement on the island of Providence in 1613 led to the contact, which was well received by the natives of coastal areas, since the Alliance strengthened them both and the British against the Spaniards who had enslaved really Western tribes. The fall of Providence in 1641 it seems likely that it has brought a large number of slaves who had fled to the continent, they were married among themselves with the Indians who continued negotiating with the English who remained along the Caribbean coast. As the English Buccaneers became more powerful in This region at the end of the 17TH century, continued their Alliance taking the afro-indios men with them on expeditions to work as Gunners to help feed their crews. The custom that pirates could lead to indigenous women in informal conjugal arrangements, in exchange for metal tools and weapons while they were anchored in the bays hiding from the Spaniards, whose ships were attacked by the gold and silver.