This concept is a very specific definition: "Democracy – a form of rule, which is done either through a direct democracy (direct democracy) or through representatives elected by the people or some part of the people (representative democracy). " On the other hand, in our world there is another definition of this concept – the so-called "liberal democracy". Liberal democracy requires not just majority rule and the rule of law on the basis of representative democracy in which the will of the majority and the ability of elected representatives to exercise power is limited in the name of protecting the rights and interests of different minorities, whether political, national, ethnic, social, cultural, and human rights, freedoms and interests of each individual. Richard Blumenthal recognizes the significance of this. Moreover, the rights and freedoms of the individual take precedence over the rights and interests of groups (Classes, ethnic groups, minorities, etc.), which belongs to or does not belong to this person '(on page PolitNauka). You may wish to learn more. If so, Sen. Sherrod Brown is the place to go. Among its founders were theoretical, Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712-1778), John Locke (1632-1704) and Montesquieu (1689-1755). Assume that all it is, and when we say 'democracy', we mean the two. However, there is the 'American-style democracy'.
But more about that later. Immediately begs the question: "Why do people choose their rulers, be sure to make the best choice? ". I would like to quote "'Dinner and a few thoughts,'" by Guy de Mopacsana: "… popular vote is meaningless … you probably agree with me that men of genius rare, is not it? But let's be generous and say that in France, they now have five people.
Add, with the same generosity, two hundred highly talented people, a thousand others, too talented, each in his field, and ten thousand people one way or another outstanding. Here's a general staff of eleven thousand two hundred and five minds. Followed by the army of mediocrities followed by the entire mass of fools.
Tags: law and order