The Names
Saturday, April 21st, 2018My friend lawyer, his partner also lawyer, the farmer possessor of the legend, and a servant like aggregate to culturar, decided to begin the search of the treasure, previous agreement of distribution in case this outside found. Here story the experience to look for and to find a treasure to them that it had hidden more than one hundred years. In order to maintain in secret the names and the places, to protect to the involved ones of this real fact, I will omit to appoint the people who participated in these events, which I hope that it does not reduce at any moment the credibility of the here counted thing. A day Wednesday, in which the lawyers altogether had to meet in the community of the farmer, for the relief of a test in relation to the case of this last one, decided to agendar the search of the treasure when finishing the mentioned diligence. We had ourselves to approach the vehicle 4 xs 4 filled with detectors treasures, tools to dig, chamarras, antigas water, masks, cigarettes, hats and everything what my friend considered opportune to support in the work. The farmer was guiding to us by dirt roads, apparently little journeyed by the evil been in which they were. We circulate with difficulty around space of two hours, whereas the Gentleman in detail told to the origin and the details us of the mysterious anecdote that were counted their grandparents to him on the existence of a great treasure hidden in the case of the property. I must to them confess, that derived at the reduced cultural level from the farmer, to its little lexical one and the place by where we traveled, seemed improbable to me the history that it related to us and still more the real existence of a treasure we buried, so without expressing it, I maintained east feeling in my mind, without questioning nothing of which the q listened.